-Mensaje original-
Fecha: martes 27 de febrero de 2001 14:06
Asunto: Re: [GENERAL] Migrate from MS SQL 6.5 to postgres??
>I have an idea that might help
>I found ODBC to be very slow for importing da
> I solved my problem by going into the registry and deleting the
> ODBC managers keys and reinstalling PostgreSQL w/driver manager.
> I love my other ODBC datasources, but reinstalled those. It's hardly
> elegant, I'm sure they're are better ways, but, hey, it worked for
> me. Your mileage may *d
I'm installing the ODBC Driver, and evrything goes right in all the clients
(NT Workst.) except in one of them where I get this error at 85% of the set
up process:
"Unable to create ODBC Core Subkey"
Sure, It's not ODBC Driver faulty (I guess), but if someone knows how to
work out, would b