> Or spin up an AWS SQL Server instance:
> https://aws.amazon.com/windows/resources/amis/
Thanks for the suggestion. Problem is the data is highly sensible and
cannot go on the cloud or non trusted place
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes
> If they aren't too big, you might get away by installing the express edition
> of the respective DBMS, then import them using the native tools, then export
> the data as CSV files.
Thanks Thomas. Both are binaries. The oracle's one is a 30TB database...
Sent via pgsql-general mailing lis
> On 2017-05-31 16:43, Nicolas Paris wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have dumps from oracle and microsoft sql server (no more details).
>> Is it possible to load them "directly" into postgres (without
>> oracle/mssql license)?
>> dump -
I have dumps from oracle and microsoft sql server (no more details). Is it
possible to load them "directly" into postgres (without oracle/mssql
dump -> csv -> postgtres
or something ?
Thanks a lot
Le 23 avril 2017 à 12:48, Ertan Küçükoğlu écrivait :
> Hello All,
> Using PostgreSQL 9.6.2 on a Windows 64bit platform.
> I am about to start a new software development dealing with warehouse
> operations. Software should handle multi-company structure. There will be
> single company startin
Le 09 avril 2017 à 05:31, Steve Petrie, P.Eng. écrivait :
> Warm Greetings To pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> (I am a very newbie user of PG for a pretty trivial PHP / SQL web app. Been
> lurking with great admiration for a long time, on the
> pgsql-general@postgresql.org discussion list channel.
Le 03 mars 2017 à 14:08, Artur Zakirov écrivait :
> On 03.03.2017 15:49, Nicolas Paris wrote:
> >
> >Hi Oleg,
> >
> >Thanks. I thought pgtrgm was not able to index my long texts because of
> >limitation of 8191 bytes per index row for btree.
> >
> >
Le 27 févr. 2017 à 10:32, Oleg Bartunov écrivait :
> On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 3:52 PM, Nicolas Paris wrote:
> Hello,
> AFAIK there is no built-in way to combine full text search and fuzzy
> matching
> (https://www.postgresql.org/docs/curren
AFAIK there is no built-in way to combine full text search and fuzzy matching
By example, phrase searching with tipos in it.
First I don't know if postgresql concurrents (lucene based...) are able
to do so.
Second, is su
Le 02 févr. 2017 à 20:00, Rob Nikander écrivait :
> Hi,
> I'm working on a project with multiple different data storage backends. I'd
> like to consolidate and use Postgres for more things. In one new situation
> we're starting to use Redis, thinking it will perform better than Postgres for
> a
In postgresl order of columns does have an non negligeable impact on table
Table are in many cases dynamic, and new fields can appear in the database life.
I suspect re-ordering columns based on types would be an automatisable task
would be feaseable such:
Le 10/33/2017 à 21:33, David G. Johnston écrivait :
>On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 1:01 PM, Melvin Davidson
><[1]melvin6...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Can we all agree that the "Materialized View" should be faster
The OP told about a 500K rows view. Every select queries on that view
2016-12-29 1:03 GMT+01:00 Rich Shepard :
> On Wed, 28 Dec 2016, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> An example from my machine that works:
>> aklaver@tito:~/bin> java -jar schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -t pgsql -s public -u
>> postgres -db production -host localhost -dp
>> /home/aklaver/bin/postgresql-9.4.1212.jre6
2016-10-24 10:36 GMT+02:00 Albe Laurenz :
> Nicolas Paris wrote:
> > I have a 9.6 pg instance, and I am trying to link a foreign postgresql
> database that do not accept
> > extended queries. (only simple queries https://www.postgresql.org/
> docs/current/static/protocol.html
I have a 9.6 pg instance, and I am trying to link a foreign postgresql
database that do not accept extended queries. (only simple queries
https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/protocol.html )
When I run a query against the foreign pg instance thought postres_fdw, it
looks like it
I want to minimize postgresql json size when I fetch them.
I translate columnar table to json thought json_build_object/array or even
While row_to_json do have a "pretty_bool" option, the latter do not. Each
json object/array I build contains spaces.
Is there a workaround ?
You could run 2 queries separatly and asynchrouneously
1) the limit 10
2) the count
While the limit 10 query would be showned instanteneously, the web table
would way for the count to build the pagination
Le lun. 26 sept. 2016 à 20:59, Leonardo M. Ramé a
écrit :
> Hi, I'm using a query t
Has anyone already tested to integrate presto (https://prestodb.io/) within
postgresql thought the postgres_fdw extension ?
Presto is a distributed SQL query engine able to scale horizontally on top
of hadoop, cassandra or mongodb.
Moreover, presto has a PostgreSQL protocol (
2016-05-10 15:08 GMT+02:00 Cat :
> On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 03:00:55PM +0200, Nicolas Paris wrote:
> >
2016-05-10 14:47 GMT+02:00 Moreno Andreo :
> Il 10/05/2016 13:38, Nicolas Paris ha scritto:
> 2016-05-10 13:04 GMT+02:00 Moreno Andreo :
>> Il 10/05/2016 12:56, Nicolas Paris ha scritto:
>> Hello,
>> What is the way to build a binary format (ins
2016-05-10 13:04 GMT+02:00 Moreno Andreo :
> Il 10/05/2016 12:56, Nicolas Paris ha scritto:
> Hello,
> What is the way to build a binary format (instead of a csv) ? Is there
> specification for this file ?
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/sql-copy.html
What is the way to build a binary format (instead of a csv) ? Is there
specification for this file ?
Could I create such format from java ?
I guess this would be far faster, and maybe safer than CSVs
Thanks by advance,
Thanks Oleg, this is a good start for me
2016-05-03 15:47 GMT+02:00 Oleg Bartunov :
> On Tue, May 3, 2016 at 3:21 PM, Nicolas Paris wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Documentation says : (
>> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/static/textsearch-controls.html#TEXT
Documentation says : (
"The built-in ranking functions are only examples. You can write your own
ranking functions and/or combine their results with additional factors to
fit your specific needs."
The b
I wonder why the third query returns 0.
To me, it would return 0.1, because there is not baz in the text
Thanks !
(pg 9.4)
SELECT ts_rank_cd(apod.t, query,4) AS rank
FROM (SELECT to_tsvector('foo baz') as t) as apod, to_tsquery('foo & baz')
WHERE query @@ apod.t;
I recently tried many tools, and "sql power architect" is the tool I
have selected.
It is compatible with liquibase, and works with postgres, mysql oracle
and so on.
It allows comparing structure differences between databases. Moreover
it has a community free edition that covers my needs.
I guess capture will help you look at
SELECT regexp_replace('http://test.com/test/testfile.php',
'^(.*)/(.*\.php)$', E'\\1&file=\\2', 'g')
2015-12-09 22:58 GMT+01:00 Christopher Molnar :
> Hello,
> I am running into a problem
2015-12-03 7:12 GMT+01:00 Kaushal Shriyan :
> Hi,
> Are there any scripts which will diff two pg_dump files for t1 and t2 time
> period. For example pg_dump taken on t1 -> 01/11/2015 and then on t2 ->
> 30/11/2015.
> backup_01112015.dump (dump taken on 01/11/2015)
> backup_30112015.dump (dump
2015-11-11 10:44 GMT+01:00 Dusan :
> Hi,
> I'm using table with parent_id to themselve and WITH RECURSIVE in SELECT on
> about 3thousands records.
> The "tree" of data is wide (each node has more children) but not deep
> (maximal depth of branch is 10 nodes).
> I'm planning to use same schema on
Yes, moreover it provides SQL auto-completion (ctrl+space), query history,
The eclipse workbench is easy, fast & reactiv.
Hope I had kown DBeaver before
2015-10-19 14:49 GMT+02:00 Yves Dorfsman :
> On 2015-10-18 16:37, Nicolas Paris wrote:
> >
> > I didn't know DBea
2015-10-19 0:08 GMT+02:00 dinesh kumar :
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 7:04 AM, wrote:
>> Hello
>> Is anyone aware of any tools like TOAD that are available for Postgresql?
> PgAdmin fits here.
>> Regards
>> John Wiencek
> --
> Regards,
> Dinesh
> manojadinesh.blogspot.co
Are you using docker on centos ? I had problem with
centos/docker/postgresql because container size was (maybe still is)
limited to 20GB on that specific OS. Maybe not related, but good to know
2015-10-03 0:03 GMT+02:00 John R Pierce :
> On 10/2/2015 2:02 PM, Paolo De Michele wrote:
>> exec s
2015-06-10 17:43 GMT+02:00 Kevin Grittner :
> inspector morse wrote:
> > After doing that, if you add or delete a topic from the Topics
> > Table, SQL Server automatically keeps the count updated.and
> > it's fast because of the unique index.
> >
> > Doing the same thing in Postgresql using
the first, second and seventh columns form myfile.txt into
> table "stafflist". myfile.txt has many columns.
> COPY stafflist (userid, username, staffid)
> FROM 'myfile.txt'
> 'win
2015-05-20 22:16 GMT+02:00 Stefan Stefanov :
> Hi,
> I have been using COPY .. FROM a lot these days for reading in tabular
> data and it does a very good job. Still there is an inconvenience when a
> (large) text file contains more columns than the target table or the
> columns’ order differ
Change OS, or change GUI tool
2015-03-29 9:59 GMT+02:00 John R Pierce :
> On 3/29/2015 12:48 AM, Yuri Budilov wrote:
>> Red Hat/Oracle Linux 6.x
> is that anything like Ford/Chevy ?
> Oracle Linux, while originally
Every day I discover Postgresql's new features. Today : make women happy :)
2015-03-25 4:27 GMT+01:00 :
> Successfully loaded two files into two different tables. Happy. :-)
> Diana
> > Yes, it is a header in the .csv file. I did not know that there is such
> an
> > option as specifying WITH
TRY in psql :
update pg_database set encoding = pg_char_to_encoding('your_encoding')
where datname = 'your_data_base';
Works for postgres 9.3
Nicolas PARIS
2015-02-09 9:11 GMT+01:00 Oliver :
> 2015-02-09 7:54 GMT+00:00 Oliver :
>> 2015-02-0
I guess this is faster to read from STDIN than export the file on the
remote server and then COPY FROM "file exported on the remote server"
isn'it ?
Nicolas PARIS
2015-02-07 16:40 GMT+01:00 Thomas Kellerer :
> Nicolas Paris wrote on 07.02.2015 15:14:
> Hel
PY 10" (when 10 rows
inserted), I get with psql way, or with pgadmin.
I have tried the int Statement.executeUpdate() method, but it returns 0
Thanks for any help !
Nicolas PARIS
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