I made an debian update of postgresql, from 6.5.?? to 7.0.1. (?) ...
That worked fine. I then created my database and access user again,
started psql and created the database from the dump I have made some time
In fact, the database is created, all the table are there, empty, as I
I temporary solved the problem with the sequences by making a query:
select id from ports order by id desc limit 1;
But I am not convinced this is "the real way" to get the number of element
the table ports has
---(end of broadcast)
I created several tables using a id-sequence for each:
create sequence portid;
create table ports(id integer primary key default nextval('portid'), name
Now, since it is a web-application I am working on, I have several
Perl-scripts acting on/with the database.
THe informations
> How do I create an autoincrement field in a postgresql table???
> What are the correct field type and parameters
Well, what about using sequences?
create sequence tralalala;
create table huibui
id integer primary key default nextval('tralalala'),
field1 references table1,
Maybe this is a bit off-topic, as this problem is more a "design"-one, but
I wanted to write a web-application write invoices more easy. I wonder if
it was a good idea to try this using Postgres or if it was better to write
the data of each invoice in a separate file in a separate director