[GENERAL] Select MIN() & MAX()

1998-08-12 Thread Krasnow, Greg
oops... my goof... I read it too quickly... ok... one more stupid question... can you not do an "insert into t1 (select 'a','b',min(f)-1 from t2)"? - Greg Greg Krasnow HNC Software Inc. Financial Solutions Group Senior Software Engineer Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Direct Phone: 619.799.8341 Fax: 6

[GENERAL] Select MIN() & MAX()

1998-08-12 Thread Krasnow, Greg
In the documentation it mentions that Postgresql does not currently support MIN() and MAX() in the select list, but only in the where clause... will this be available in the next version of Postgresql and is there another way to do this in the current version? - Greg Greg Krasnow HNC Software I