I would start with something like this
With it being 2U you can then pop out the motherboard and go with anything
more modern you wanted in
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Melvin Davidson
> Please, just ONE LOGICAL VALID argument, not speculation. Otherwise, stop
> with the nay saying.
I think you should look seriously at the suggestion offered of using an
event trigger to get what you desire here. I think the most logical
Assuming 3 things
Table name - test
Column names - start_time, end_time
Added an id column (int) to distinguish each record in the table
You can go with this. (my apologies for formatting issues)
slots as (
select *
fromgenerate_series(0,1439) as s(slot)
slots_hours as (
create table json_data(row_id int, json_text jsonb);
insert into json_data(1,
To search for an ID
select row_id, parsed.* from json_data, lateral
jsonb_to_recordset(json_data.json_text) as parsed("ID" text, location_na
Sorry for the 3rd party site - just easier to get the layout correct.
A CTE and dense_rank is all it takes. I am always amazed at what one can
now pack into such small amounts of code.
On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Jim Garrison wrote:
Afternoon Frank,
I believe what you might wish to look at is a single database with a set of
schemas[1] which would separate your data in a logical way. You could have
a single connection url and then each individual connection could create a
schema (or reuse if you wish), set the search path (fir