2006/11/9, Richard Huxton :
It's not clear to me why your function does what it does anyway. I can'tsee why you wouldn't just do this as standard queries.As it was mentioned on
Contrary to popular believe, one should COMMIT less frequently within a
2006/11/9, Luca Ferrari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi all,after a crash of my machine I restarted the pgsql as usual, and I can connectfrom the machine itself, but no more from a remote host. I checked thepg_hba.conf file and it's ok, but either from psql or pgadmin I cannot
connect to the host. Nmapping
Hello,I'm still trying to convert my PL/SQL stored procedures into PL/pgSQL. Now, I have problem with commiting transaction every N rows:
loopfetch csr_ac into row_id; if not FOUND then exit; end if; counter := counter + 1; delete from spm_audit where adt_id=row_id; delete from spm_a
Hello.I'm porting some procedures from PL/SQL and I encountered following problem:In PL/SQL I'm using this statement related to cursor:OPEN crs_cnt(start_millis, end_millis);LOOP FETCH crs_cnt into row_cnt;
EXIT WHEN crs_cnt%NOTFOUND; insert into spm_audit_stats values(SEQ_SPM_ID_AUTO_INC.n