"Wolfe, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Good morning all! I'm a newbie to PGSQL here so thought I would ask
> my first question since I joined this list this morning...
> Is it possible to run Postgresql and MySQL together on the same
> machine?
Sure, my development machine is setup this
Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> "Jim C. Nasby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Of course, Oracle could tank the market by offering support at
>> un-competitive prices, but I can't think of a reason for them to do that
>> off the top of my head.
> They might hope that they could drive the e
> On Sat, Oct 08, 2005 at 02:11:54PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> What am I missing?
> [ many answers ]
> Ahhh ... I did not realize they were selling a commercial version with
> a dual license. I had thought they were selling support contracts.
> I confe
> On Sat, Oct 08, 2005 at 10:31:30AM -0500, Scott Marlowe wrote:
>> What it comes down to is this. MySQL is dual licensed. You can use
>> the GPL version, or the commercial version. In order to sell the
>> commercially licensed version, MySQL must have the rights to
"Cristian Prieto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've tryied with some tools as pgEditor and EMS PostgreSQL Manager,
> but I need a really good pgsql and database Editor to use in Linux
> or Windows. Options?
Have you take a look at pgAdmin III?
What sort of features are
ins to
one with more of the information directly in the table
(it still referenced primary keys in another table,
they just were varchar primary keys and not ints).
--- Richard Huxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: "Jason Earl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You could either try:
CREATE TABLE address (
address_id int SERIAL,
street VARCHAR(40),
zipcode INT,
city VARCHAR(40),
country VARCHAR(40)
Or you could do the same thing yourself manually with:
CREATE sequence address_id_seq;
CREATE TABLE address (
address_id int PRIMARY KEY D
psql -U postgres -f loadfile.sql
Should do what you want. Or if you are already in
psql take a look at the \i command.
--- markus jais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> maybe this is somewhere in the docs but I couldn't
> find
> it.
> I am a beginner to postgresql and do not know much
I believe that what you are looking for is
I hope this is helpful,
Jason Earl
--- Christian Marschalek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In school we've learned about supertypes. I don'