Thanks Laurenz, that nailed it. It was what Tom was saying, except I didn't
figure out how.
-Original Message-
From: Albe Laurenz []
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 5:31 AM
To: 'Tom Lane *EXTERN*'; Hu, Patricia
Cc: pgsql
The server and client encoding are both set to UTF8, and according to this en dash is a valid
UTF8 character, but when running a script with insert statement with en dash
character in it, I got the error below.
mydb=> select name, sett
as a feature, or is it just backlog? Has a
feature request been filed for this?
-Original Message-
From: Peter Eisentraut []
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 12:32 PM
To: Hu, Patricia;
Subject: [EXTERNAL
I am trying to find out when a table was created in postgresql. Thought it
would be easy (coming from Oracle world), but haven't had any luck, especially
since we are on RDS and can't peek at the timestamp on the file system. Is this
information stored anywhere in the catalog? Or I need to store
I recently came across an interesting locking/blocking situation in a Postgres
database(9.5.4, RDS but that shouldn't matter). The application is
java/hibernate/springboot with connection pooling. The developers pushed in
some code that seemed to be doing this:
Start a transaction, update row1
Looks to me the first plan was using seq scan not the index b/c the value had
to be cast to numeric. In such case index is not used, as expected.
Filter: ((true_data_id)::numeric = '209390104'::numeric)
From: Sfiligoi, Igor []
Sent: Th
I have the following function and view in my db:
create or replace function ${catalogSchema}.fn_show_pg_stat_activity() returns
setof pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity as $$ select * from
pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity; $$ language sql volatile security definer;
create or replace view ${catalogSchema}
Since it could potentially be a security loop hole. So far the action taken to
address it falls into these two categories:
drop the PUBLIC schema altogether. One of the concerns is with some of the
system objects that have been exposed through PUBLIC schema previously, now
they will need ot
I’ve been looking for this on postgres too. Does Postgres have something
similar to Oracle’s v$session_longops? It gives info on total unit of work,
units done so far, last update time, and time remaining etc, and I found it
valuable in providing an estimate to how long a certain query would ke