Hello, i have a problem with Postgre.
When i perform a query Postgre do it all right, but CPU usage remains
over 50%, even if i finished with queries.
I try rebooting the pc, it works fine; for some time i have around 1%
to 5% of cpu usage, but if i start other query it raises to 50% and
keep it a
Hi, i have a question:
I have a database and i want to create a administrator user with total
control and another that only could make queries and could not see nor
modify the functions.
The reason is that in the database that i will distribute are the
functions with a big part of the software lo
Hello, people, i have a question for you:is it possible to recover more than one recordset or cursor from a function?I use to do it in ms sql server, but it is a mistery for me in postgre.Thanks Get your FREE, LinuxWaves.com Email Now! --> http://www.LinuxWaves.comJoin Linux Discussions! --> http:/
could you please give me an example?.
How could i make an inner join select with temporary tables?
This function does not work:
REATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION modelo.test2(OUT xart_cod character varying, OUT
xart_descri character varying)
create temp table t_art
Hi people, i have a problem with inner join and temporary tablesI have 2 tables: articles and existencesarticles CREATE TABLE public.articles( art_cod character varying(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character varying, art_descri character varying(20) DEFAULT ''::character varying, CONSTRAINT articles_
Hello, i am Guillermo Arias, from Peru. I have a doubt about capacity of tables.I am developing a software for accountants, and my principal problem is about the table for the vouchers. I have to decide to make a table for each year or only one table for all the years. This table has 11 fields
Hello, i am using PostgreSQL 8.2 in a Windows XP pc. I know that this file PGPASS.CONF stores the users with password, but because this is a plain txt file, it is easy for "curious" people to read the contents.By other way, if i do not write the password there, my users will have to write it when t
is there a tracking trace tool in postgre? like the "SQL Analizer" in MS sqlserver.I have downloaded the PGAdmin III and i have not found any tool like this.Thanks Get your FREE, LinuxWaves.com Email Now! --> http://www.LinuxWaves.comJoin Linux Discussions! --> http://Community.LinuxWaves.com