I am in the process of creating a large relational database. One of the key
things I need to include in this database is a system to maintain data
integrity across multiple tables.
here's an example:
Table: items
item_id description vendor_id model
UPDATE tablename SET datefieldname=NULL WHERE conditions=here;
I have had to code around this for some web applications I wrote. You can
assign datetime fields a NULL value, but you can't assign it an empty value
(''). Though, I didn't try "" instead of ''.
Gregory S. Youngblood
ext 2
ODBC may be a solution.
I dont know if Filemaker supports ODBC, but if it does you can open the
database in Filemaker and connect to postgres via ODBC and move the data to
postgres that way.
Gregory S. Youngblood
ext 2164
-Original Message-
From: Adam Haberlach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTE
insert into
offene_stellen (bezeichnung,arbeitsort,berater,gefordert,geboten)
('Maurer', 'Buchs', 'Rheinhalter Claudio', 'flexibilitaet', 'gutes Team');
Gregory S. Youngblood
ext 2164
-Original Message-
From: Marc Eggenberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday,
Yes, you assume correctly. I have read the FAQ. The only problem is the
FAQ's answer is nice, short, and sweet, but does not have any good real
world examples or real details.. The only details it mentions is that
setting shared memory buffers too high can cause it to crash, and so forth.
What is