Is it possible to change the current role to another arbitrary role
using a PLPGSQL function?
In essence I've a function "authorise" created by the db superuser with
'SECURITY DEFINER' specificied.
However from within plpgsql the 'superuser' attribute isn't honored when
trying to change rol
> -Original Message-
> From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To: Greg Wickham
> > However from within plpgsql the 'superuser' attribute isn't honored
> > when trying to change roles
> IIRC we deliberately restrict inheritance of
isn't honored when
trying to change roles (ie: the non 'superuser' rules for role change
must be honoured).
Postgresql version 8.2.3
Is this a bug? .. If not, how do I achieve an 'adhoc' change of role
from within the "rules system"?
Dr. Greg
14 AM
| To: Greg Wickham
| Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Changing session ownership in a web app (or how to peel an
| "Greg Wickham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > ... (Postgres has strict limitations on usernames which make using
| > them for users
Hi All,
Earlier this year there was a discussion between Tom and Ezra regarding extending 'set
session authorization' to facilitate changing
the identity of a connection. A synopsis of the discussion is that Tom felt this was
bad and the web application should have more
responsibility for handl