Hi all:
Is there any way to create a case sensitive full text index? My target
is to make case sensitive full text searches but I don't know how.
I could create a configurario for full text searching:
Finally I create a function like:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION nonsensible (text) RETURNS text AS $$
var1 varchar;
var1=replace($1, 'á', 'a');
var1=replace(var1, 'é', 'e');
var1=replace(var1, 'í', 'i');
var1=replace(var1, 'ó', 'o');
var1=replace(var1, 'ú', 'u');
And which are the types of argument and returning values of a pl/sql
function which preprocess de text?
I have been searching that, for example, something like this works fine:
CREATE INDEX textindex ON document USING
where text is the text column of docu
Hi all:
I have been searching the mailing lists about hyphens but I coudn't find
the answer to this question:
Is it possible to remove the possibility of searching the parts of a
word which include a hyphen? I know that the default parser identifies
all possibilities (the compound word and the in
Is there in PostgreSQL something like the full-text NEAR operator of
Oracle? That is, to obtain the documents which include two words
separated by less than an specified numbers of words (distance).
I didn't find anything related with this issue inside the documentation
or mailing list archives.
Hello all:
I'm testing all full-text searching possibilities of PostgreSQL and...
Is it possible to search for a multi-word expression?
I can search one or more words:
SELECT id FROM document WHERE to_tsvector('english',text) @@
SELECT id FROM document WHERE to