PostGreSQL are powerful than MySQL?
Could you please give me a clue?
Thanks and Regards
Farhad Koohbor – BI/DW developer
Hi All,
I saw that "The National Weather
Service" uses the PostgreSQL. I'm interested to implement the PostgreSql
in the similar functional area and I need some experience feedback regard
the database volume, the PostgreSQL performance in The National Weather
Thanks in advance,
Best Reg
Hi, Thanks for the link. More exactly I wanted to know how far PostgreSql is from the Oracle or DB2 regard the following point: Performances, Data volume management, Could PostgreSql handle the giga data? Backup and restore functionality. Thanks
Farhad"Jim C. Nasby" <[EM
Hi All, I'm looking for any experience on runing an ERP software (Oracle application, SAP, PeopleSoft, ...) on top of a postgre data base. Best Retards
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