I decided to use the pg_ctl to start/stop, I didn't find a way to
configure systemctl script.
Em 05-12-2016 15:21, Edilmar LISTAS escreveu:
I do these steps to config Postgresql 9.6 in CentOS 6.x using a
different data directory:
yum -y install postgresql96-server postgresql96-co
I do these steps to config Postgresql 9.6 in CentOS 6.x using a
different data directory:
yum -y install postgresql96-server postgresql96-contrib pg_top96
chkconfig postgresql-9.6 on
service postgresql-9.6 initdb
service postgresql-9.6 start
echo "localhost:5432:*:postgres:mypass" > ~/.pgpa
Em 21-10-2016 13:48, Adrian Klaver escreveu:
On 10/21/2016 08:09 AM, Edilmar LISTAS wrote:
I have 4 PG servers where each one runs many databases.
Now, I would like to create just one PG backup server to replicate all
the databases from 4 PG servers, is it possible? Or Do I need to create
I have 4 PG servers where each one runs many databases.
Now, I would like to create just one PG backup server to replicate all
the databases from 4 PG servers, is it possible? Or Do I need to create
4 PG backup servers?
And if some PG server goes down, how to recovery the system from PG
Em 18-10-2016 16:53, Devrim Gündüz escreveu:
On Mon, 2016-10-17 at 17:38 -0300, Edilmar LISTAS wrote:
I have an env running a changed data_directory fine in a devel machine PG 9.4
using Fedora23.
Now, I have a server machine with CentOS where I downloaded the RPMs from
repo https
After some tests, really the problem is with original script from PG 9.6
RPM /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql-9.6. If I run pg_ctl, start/stop with
the new data_directory works fine!
Em 18-10-2016 13:49, Edilmar LISTAS escreveu:
Em 18-10-2016 11:33, Melvin Davidson escreveu:
On Tue, Oct
Em 18-10-2016 11:33, Melvin Davidson escreveu:
On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 10:20 AM, Edilmar LISTAS
mailto:edili...@intersite.com.br>> wrote:
1) I changed /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql-9.6 like this:
2) I
On 10/17/2016 01:38 PM, Edilmar LISTAS wrote:
I have an env running a changed data_directory fine in a devel machine
PG 9.4 using Fedora23.
Now, I have a server machine with CentOS where I downloaded the RPMs
from repo
I have an env running a changed data_directory fine in a devel
machine PG 9.4 using Fedora23.
Now, I have a server machine with CentOS where I downloaded the RPMs
from repo https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/9.6/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/pgdg-centos96-9.6-3.noarch.rpm.