> > > Is it possible to perform a crosstab query in postgres similar the
> > > functionality that MS Access provides?
> > >
> > > I tried building the query in Access (against postgre 6.5.3 using ODBC)
> > > and using the SQL created by Access, but it looks like very non-standard
> > > SQL code an
> At 06:47 PM 6/7/00 -0400, Cary O'Brien wrote:
> >
> >> thanks for the response. oid is equivalent to oracle rowid.
> >
> >I think there is a fundamentel difference between oid and rownum.
> >Oid is just a serial number. Rownum is a long string that
> thanks for the response. oid is equivalent to oracle rowid.
I think there is a fundamentel difference between oid and rownum.
Oid is just a serial number. Rownum is a long string that tells
oracle where exactly the row is. So *I think* rownum can be
used for fast lookups, where oid, unles