I have a data-set with
- a line number
- a name
- a value
I want to select the rows in line number order, but I want to consolidate
consecutive rows into a single row, concatenating the names, if the value
is null.
For example, here's my data:
values (
(1, 'a', 1),
(2, 'b', 2),
(3, 'c', null),
For a custom type to be used in a btree index, it is possible to create a
function in SQL (as opposed to C) that is used in the create operator class
statement to specify how equality is defined. A good example of this is
presented inhttp://www.cybertec.at/2013/11/operator-classes-explained/.
Is there a way to extract the total amount of time in a given unit from an
interval? For example, I would like to know the total number of
milliseconds in an interval.
The expression
select extract('seconds' from '5 minutes'::interval)
returns the value of the seconds field (0) in the interval;
FWIW, I don't see the install script in the RHEL5 version RPM either:
# rpm -qpl postgresql-contrib-8.4.4-1PGDG.rhel5.i386.rpm | grep -i uid
2010/6/23 Devrim GÜNDÜZ :
> On Wed, 2010-06-23 at 09:29 -0400, Andr
In the postgresql-contrib-8.4.4-1PGDG.rhel4 RPM (downloaded from
there is no installation script or libraries for the uuid_* functions:
# rpm -qlp postgresql-contrib-8.4.4-1PGDG.rhel4.i386.rpm | grep -i uid
I have several tables with text columns that contain information that
I would like to be able to search using a FTS index. For each text
column, there is also a column that is a foreign key into a language
table for the language used in the text. My idea is to add a column
to the language table t