Thom Brown
> On 25 November 2011 20:04, Alpha Beta wrote:
> > Hi list,
> > I have got two files (template1.dmp, example1.dmp) and I want to open
> them
> > in postgresql, I tried the following commands:
> > - Import template1 :
> > * createdb -U postgres templa
Hi list,
I have got two files (template1.dmp, example1.dmp) and I want to open them
in postgresql, I tried the following commands:
- Import *template1 *:
* createdb -U postgres template1
* psql -U postgres template1 < template1.dmp
- Create the sample of the database:
* createdb -U p
2011/6/14 Darren Duncan
> Alpha Beta wrote:
>> Hi list, (newbie with databases)
>> I was looking out in net about how can we determine or find all functional
>> dependencies in a relational database, but didn't find.
Hi list, (newbie with databases)
I was looking out in net about how can we determine or find all functional
dependencies in a relational database, but didn't find.
So can please anyone here tell me if functional dependecies for each table
of a relational database can be found explicitly or
we n
I'm still at beginning regarding databases. I got a question about trigers
that model the behavior of some data,
usualy a relational database may contain trigers and declarative sql
My question is how could I detect these trigers within a database?
using postgresql would help
while reading about databases, I didn't understand what can be subset of
attributes, see the following :
Let Ri (Xi) be a relation sheme, where Xi is a set of attributes. and if t
is a tuple for Ri (Xi) and Y is a subset of Xi, then t[Y] denote the
subtuple of t corresponding to Y.
does a s
Thanks for your advices :)
2011/2/15 Dean Gibson (DB Administrator)
> On 2011-02-15 10:39, Alpha Beta wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> As there's many developpers of databases in this list, I thought maybe
>> someone can suggest me one of the best relational data
Hi list,
As there's many developpers of databases in this list, I thought maybe
someone can suggest me one of the best relational database books and that
explain in a deep manner about all what concern relational databases.
Best regards,
Kamler Alphab
I tried to translate a small database schema to an ontology model (following
some mapping rules).
However I guess the process would be more complex to do with a big and more
constrained relational database.
My question is not specific to Postgresql, But I thought more people in this
list ar