I would like to ask the more experienced users on Postgres database a
couple of questions I have on a db I manage with a lot of data. A lot of
data means something like 15.000.000 rows in a table. I will try to
describe the tables and what I will have to do on them :)
There is a table that has p
when my application is starting up (after my
datasource connection to the db etc) and I am setting my client's
encoding to iso8859-7. No problems since then ... Greeks show ok .. they
are stored ok and the search on the data works file.
Hope I helped a little
Alexander Antonakakis
Is there a function or other way to get the user's ip address the moment
an insert is performed?
Supposed that many people with the same "pg_username" are conected to
the database so no username tracking is usefull.
Thanks in advance
Alexander Antonakakis