I am looking for some help in database design. I would like to design
a database to help design alternative designs of a basic electronic
circuit design. I have a list of components that will be
interconnected for a basic design. Additional components and
associated connections are identified fo
Postgres 9.0.3 on Solaris 10
Can't seem to figure out how to stop the postgres log file from rotating on a
restart of services.
log_truncate_on_rotation is commented out
log_rotation_age = 1d
We just want it to rotate once a day no matter haw many times we restart.
Don't see anything else
Hey folks,
We're using PG 8.4.7 on two servers that are geographically
distant from each other. We run WAL-shipping replication
(i.e. constant recovery mode replication) between the two
servers. These are the only two servers involved in the
setup. When we do the 'fail-over' to swap the master
On Mar 19, 2011, at 12:50 AM, Dan S wrote:
> For example if I have a type sample%TYPE
> How can I declare a variable that is an array of sample%TYPE
> I can't get it to work, is there a way to do it ?
Nope, there is no way. However, you can create a userdefined type and can also
use array
On Mar 19, 2011, at 9:50 PM, Stefan Keller wrote:
> Unfortunately it still does'nt work. I get
> ERROR: wrong record constant: »('a'«
> LINE 2: 5, $${ ('a', 'aa'), ('b', 'bb') }$$ );
> ^
> DETAIL: Unexpected end of line.
Try following, it should work:
INSERT INTO mytypetable VA
Le vendredi 18 mars 2011 à 08:20 +, Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz a écrit :
> There's a generic trigger that sends a signal to a process whenever
> changes are made (via listen/notify mechanism), but when FK cascade
> fires it will cause a mass amount of notifies to be send out and I
> want to avoid it.
Thank you for the hint.
Unfortunately it still does'nt work. I get
ERROR: wrong record constant: »('a'«
LINE 2: 5, $${ ('a', 'aa'), ('b', 'bb') }$$ );
DETAIL: Unexpected end of line.
Yours, S.
2011/3/19 Alban Hertroys :
> On 19 Mar 2011, at 2:33, Stefan Keller wrote:
>> Given
Dne 18.3.2011 19:18, Merlin Moncure napsal(a):
> On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Davenport, Julie
> wrote:
>> This helped, is now down from 14.9 min to 10.9 min to run the entire script.
>> Thanks.
> can you try disabling nestloop and see what happens? In the session,
> before running th
On 19 Mar 2011, at 2:33, Stefan Keller wrote:
> Given the test snippet below, why do the following insert attempts fail?
> The literal constant would be the most intuitive syntax. The attempt
> below also closely follows the documentation AFAIK:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/a