I managed to bail myself out of the "drop view" induced problems
(by copying back the pg_internal.init file, vacuuming the whole
database and then successfully dropping the bad tables/views . . .
yea postgres But I still don't understand what happened.)
Howver, I'd like to mention th
on more advanced topics, I would mention Kimball's work as well.
>I personally disagree with your assertion about never going wrong with
>O'Reilly. While for many topics O'Reilly is my publisher of choice, I'm
>finding that newer titles increasingly disappoint. I don't want to mention
On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, amy cheng wrote:
> I'm considering to persuade my boss in making the scheduler project I'm
> doing as a GPL, just like the accounting one. any ideas?
Well, I'm not sure what sort of ideas you are looking for --- if you
need ammunition to convince your boss you could use my
Jason C. Leach wrote:
What's a good way to calculate how many transactions you should buffer
you commit them? Do you just make an estimate on how much mem
each will take
up and calculate how much you wish to spare?
That's a though question.
I don't think that coul