[GENERAL] Re: [INTERFACES] problem with LOAD

1999-05-20 Thread Oleg Bartunov
This is a known problem with FreeBSD-3.1 and PostgreSQL I had too with 6.5 cvs version. I suppose you use FreeBSD elf ? Take a look to ports for freebsd-elf specific patches or just change src/Makefile.shlib ifeq ($(PORTNAME), freebsd) ifdef BSD_SHLIB install-shlib-dep := install-shlib

[GENERAL] problem with LOAD

1999-05-20 Thread abdelkrim
hello every body i have some problem with LOAD command postgres=> LOAD '/usr/local/pgsql/complex.so'; pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly. This probably means the backend terminated abnormally before or while processing the request. We have lost the connection to the backen

[GENERAL] Relations between tables.

1999-05-20 Thread christian
Being rather new to DBs in general, I wonder - is the relation constraint present in PostgreSQL? Is this the same as relations I've seen under other databases ? MS Access has to be a poor example but I've seen tables relationed between themselves. Using a relation constraint, are tables tied tog

Re: [GENERAL] RH 6.0 and PostgreSQL

1999-05-20 Thread christian
On Sun, 16 May 1999, Ricardo Peres wrote: > After upgrading to RedHat 6.0, PostgreSQL no longer works... > Whenever I try to start the postmaster daemon, using > /erc/rc.d/init.d/postmaster script, I receive a message about postgresql > not finding the data directory. I checked /var/lib/pgsql, an

RE: [GENERAL] For data based web site, which RDBMS is better & why ?

1999-05-20 Thread The Hermit Hacker
On Wed, 19 May 1999, Jackson, DeJuan wrote: > The problem here is to find impartial comparisons. > The question between MySQL and PostgreSQL usually come down to > Do I care most about speed? - usually true for purely Web Apps. > or > Do I need transaction and the other features Pos

Re: [GENERAL] For data based web site, which RDBMS is better & why?

1999-05-20 Thread The Hermit Hacker
On Thu, 20 May 1999, Wim Ceulemans wrote: > > > >Can some experts , users or gurus provide me some insight or > >guide me to some pointers where impartial comparative analysis of > >RDBMS has been done. > > > Look at http://www.mysql.com/crash-me-choose.htmy for a comparison between > databas

Re: [GENERAL] For data based web site, which RDBMS is better & why ?

1999-05-20 Thread Wim Ceulemans
>Can some experts , users or gurus provide me some insight or >guide me to some pointers where impartial comparative analysis of >RDBMS has been done. Look at http://www.mysql.com/crash-me-choose.htmy for a comparison between databases. Wim Ceulemans - [EMAIL PROTECTED] Nice Software Solution