> please give me the way to do that
> all thanx
> :-))
And may be some suggestion what kind of system do You have :-)
Remigiusz Sokolowski e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] * *
> P.S. In oracle, I'd use a sub-query:
> SELECT var, COUNT(*) / total_count
> FROM temp,
>( SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_count
>FROM temp
> GROUP BY var;
I thought that subqueries were allowed in PostgreSQL after 6.2?
Yes, the "having" clause is supported in 6.4.2 with some restrictions as
outlined in the documentation on the web site.
-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 10:46 PM
I am using RH5.2 / Postgre 6.3.2 I need a query that has a having
clause. In 6.3.2 it says that having is not supported yet. I looked
at the changes in 6.4 and it appears that 6.4.2 supports this. Is this
true? Also I have found 6.4.2 rpms but no data rpm so now when I try to
use psql it say