Re: [GENERAL] The use of sequences

1998-08-18 Thread Jeremiah Davis
CREATE SEQUENCE some_sequence start 1 increment 1; CREATE TABLE person ( id int4 default nextval('some_sequence'), name varchar(200), description text); INSERT INTO person VALUES(nextval('some_sequence'),'Jeremiah','not much'); or INSERT INTO person(name,description) VALUES('Jeremiah','not muc

[GENERAL] The use of sequences

1998-08-18 Thread Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk
Could somebody tell me how I can make efficient use of sequences? I am familiar with Oracle's sequences and they usually work as the following example: INSERT INTO PERSON table(some_sequence.nextval,data,data,data); How do they work in postgreSQL? Roy -- Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk - MCSE, CNE, CL


1998-08-18 Thread Dario Besseghini
> > Ciao Dario, > > Seems that your syntax (CREATE TABLE test (number int4) CONSTRAINT > test_number CHECK number > 3;) > isn't SQL standard. > > --- > There are two kinds of Integrity CONSTRAINTs; > - the Column constraint: > CREATE TABLE test ( number int check

[GENERAL] S-Designor definition file for PostgreSQL, alpha release

1998-08-18 Thread Rostislav Matl
Alpha release of def. file is for download on Feel free use it nad send me bug reports. Licence? Free - just notice my name and email in docs :) +-+ | ROSTISLA


1998-08-18 Thread Sferacarta Software
Hello Dario, lunedì, 17 agosto 98, you wrote: DB> Hi all DB> I have been using postgreSQL for a while now and it is doing the job DB> I want it to. Thank you to all pgsql-hackers for their good job. DB> Iam runninga vanilla 6.3.2 installedfrom DB> postgresql-{