> > I think you should just go with what Vadim suggested and use:
> > select currval('my_sequence');
> > This will be the same within a transaction, even if there is another
> > transaction using the same sequence.
> Sorry, I wasn't thinking of it happening in the same transaction. In
> I think you should just go with what Vadim suggested and use:
> select currval('my_sequence');
> This will be the same within a transaction, even if there is another
> transaction using the same sequence.
Sorry, I wasn't thinking of it happening in the same transaction. In that
Thanks. The unique key with nulls does indeed work. Apparently postgresql
treats every null value as a separate unique value, great.
The second problem though is more persistant. I have created a user
'tst1003' with userid 1003 in my linux system. After that I used 'create
user tst1003;' in p
Hi all,
I' m using a Redhat Linux, Apache 1.3 with PHP (2.01) Module Support
and Postgres 6.3.2-4 to access a database via internet.
When I connect to the DB using the psql monitor everything works fine. In
order to use the Web interface I have
created a user 'nobody' and made 'Grant update on
Hi all,
I need to do the equivalent of:
select my_sequence.CURRVAL from Sys.dual;
so I'm guessing its:
select currvar('my_sequence') from ???;
Can anyone fill in the Thanks!