
2017-11-20 Thread Zacher, Stacy

RE: tds_fdw DB-Library error: DB #: 20002, DB Msg: Adaptive Server connection failed - RESOLVED

2024-12-09 Thread Zacher, Stacy
solution is to upgrade the SQL Server to a newer version. Thank you, Stacy -----Original Message- From: Zacher, Stacy Sent: Friday, December 6, 2024 4:11 PM To: Adrian Klaver ; pgsql-general@lists.postgresql.org Subject: RE: tds_fdw DB-Library error: DB #: 20002, DB Msg: Adaptive Server

RE: tds_fdw DB-Library error: DB #: 20002, DB Msg: Adaptive Server connection failed

2024-12-06 Thread Zacher, Stacy
Hi Adrian: Please see my replies below:** Thank you! Stacy -Original Message- From: Adrian Klaver Sent: Friday, December 6, 2024 3:51 PM To: Zacher, Stacy ; pgsql-general@lists.postgresql.org Subject: Re: tds_fdw DB-Library error: DB #: 20002, DB Msg: Adaptive Server connection

tds_fdw DB-Library error: DB #: 20002, DB Msg: Adaptive Server connection failed

2024-12-06 Thread Zacher, Stacy
Hello: We recently did an OS upgrade from Rocky Linux 8 to 9 on a Postgres v13 server that has 2 Foreign data wrappers that use tds_fdw for connections to 2 different SQL Servers. After the OS upgrade, one of the FDWs stopped working for some reason but the other one still works. The error mes

pgvector extension error

2025-01-17 Thread Zacher, Stacy
Hello: We are having issues getting the pgvector extension to work in a database. * Installed the code * Created the extension in a database - it says it already exists but it's not there: postgres=# \c dbdev You are now connected to database "dbdev" as user "postgres". dbdev=# select