solution is to upgrade the SQL Server to a newer
Thank you,
-----Original Message-
From: Zacher, Stacy
Sent: Friday, December 6, 2024 4:11 PM
To: Adrian Klaver ;
Subject: RE: tds_fdw DB-Library error: DB #: 20002, DB Msg: Adaptive Server
Hi Adrian:
Please see my replies below:**
Thank you!
-Original Message-
From: Adrian Klaver
Sent: Friday, December 6, 2024 3:51 PM
To: Zacher, Stacy ;
Subject: Re: tds_fdw DB-Library error: DB #: 20002, DB Msg: Adaptive Server
We recently did an OS upgrade from Rocky Linux 8 to 9 on a Postgres v13 server
that has 2 Foreign data wrappers that use tds_fdw for connections to 2
different SQL Servers.
After the OS upgrade, one of the FDWs stopped working for some reason but the
other one still works.
The error mes
We are having issues getting the pgvector extension to work in a database.
* Installed the code
* Created the extension in a database - it says it already exists but it's
not there:
postgres=# \c dbdev
You are now connected to database "dbdev" as user "postgres".
dbdev=# select