Dirk Mika
Software Developer
mika:timing GmbH
Strundepark - Kürtener Str. 11b
51465 Bergisch Gladbach
fon +49 2202 2401-1197
AG Köln HRB 47509 * WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 90029884
Geschäftsführer: Harald Mika, Jörg Mika
## How2Use
## the Champion
Dirk Mika
Software Developer
mika:timing GmbH
Strundepark - Kürtener Str. 11b
51465 Bergisch Gladbach
fon +49 2202 2401-1197
AG Köln HRB 47509 * WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 90029884
Geschäftsführer: Harald Mika, Jörg Mika
## How2Use
## the ChampionCh
Dirk Mika wrote:
> Hi,
> Another Oracle -> PostgreSQL Question. ☺
> I try to migrate a package procedure. Local types were declared in the Oracle
> package:
> TYPE t_class_record IS RECORD
> (
> id_class classes.id_class%TYPE,
> field1 number,
> field2
Dirk Mika writes:
> But when I try to modify a field of a record in the array I get a syntax
> error.
> l_classes_array[i].field1 := l_value;
> The error is ERROR: syntax error at or near "." Position: 12414 where
> position points to the . after the [i]. I've no idea what's causing this
> synt