PropAAS DBA writes:
> Pinging the list on the off chance someone has dealt with this and knows
> of a workaroud. We have pentaho pointing to a PostgreSQL v10.3 database,
> getting this error:
> 2018/03/18 15:06:37 - INPUT STEP - Fact.0 - Bad value for type
> timestamp : 0001-02-04 17:00:04-06:
Pinging the list on the off chance someone has dealt with this and knows
of a workaroud. We have pentaho pointing to a PostgreSQL v10.3 database,
getting this error:
2018/03/18 15:06:37 - INPUT STEP - Fact.0 - Timestamp : Unable to get
timestamp from resultset at index 55
2018/03/18 15:06:3