On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 9:01 AM twoflower wrote:
> Yes! That was it, after running VACUUM TABLE history_translation, the
> query is now executed using index-only scan.
> I was under the impression that ANALYZE TABLE history_translation is
> enough, but it is not.
Only a VACUUM will update th
Yes! That was it, after running VACUUM TABLE history_translation, the query
is now executed using index-only scan.
I was under the impression that ANALYZE TABLE history_translation is enough,
but it is not.
Thank you very much.
Sent from: http://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-general
twoflower writes:
> One issue I cannot resolve is the new server using a parallel seq scan
> instead of index-only scan for the following query:
> select count(id) from history_translation
You might need to vacuum the table to ensure that the planner thinks
a reasonable proportion of the pages ar
I restored a dump of our production DB (running on 9.6) to a Postgres 11
server and wanted to run some basic benchmarks to see if there isn't some
unexpected performance drop.
One issue I cannot resolve is the new server using a parallel seq scan
instead of index-only scan for the following query: