I don't know what you are using as a front end to call this update, but I
have been finding json/jsonb parameters passed into a function / procedure
and then using postgres json functions to process the data as a good
If your data fits postgres array datatype, as others have mentioned, t
Ășt 29. 1. 2019 v 13:50 odesĂlatel Hengky Lie
> Hi,
> I want to create a function to update my table (flag='9') and insert new
> record (flag='0') with the rfidnumber specified in a parameter.
> This parameter may have several value seperated by space (ie. 11 22 33 44)
For this kind
> "Hengky" == Hengky Lie writes:
Hengky> Hi,
Hengky> I want to create a function to update my table (flag='9') and
Hengky> insert new record (flag='0') with the rfidnumber specified in a
Hengky> parameter.
rfidnumber is stored as text/varchar? if it's something else, change the
I want to create a function to update my table (flag='9') and insert new
record (flag='0') with the rfidnumber specified in a parameter.
This parameter may have several value seperated by space (ie. 11 22 33 44)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fcreate_rfid (
znumber varchar
I want to create a function to update my table (flag='9') and insert new
record (flag='0') with the rfidnumber specified in a parameter.
This parameter may have several value seperated by space (ie. 11 22 33 44)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fcreate_rfid (
znumber varchar