Thx for the great info. I appreciate your pointing me in the right
Susan E Hurst
Principal Consultant
Brookhurst Data LLC
Mobile: 314-486-3261
On 2019-01-28 09:27, Tom Lane wrote:
Susan Hurs
On 1/28/19 7:08 AM, Susan Hurst wrote:
What is the trick for displaying column comments in views?
The query below works as expected when the table_schema includes tables,
however it shows nothing when the table_schema contains only views. I
tried putting the query into an inline statement as
> "Susan" == Susan Hurst writes:
Susan> What is the trick for displaying column comments in views? The
Susan> query below works as expected when the table_schema includes
Susan> tables, however it shows nothing when the table_schema contains
Susan> only views. I tried putting the query in
Susan Hurst writes:
> What is the trick for displaying column comments in views?
> The query below works as expected when the table_schema includes tables,
> however it shows nothing when the table_schema contains only views.
No surprise, since you're using pg_statio_all_tables as the source of
What is the trick for displaying column comments in views?
The query below works as expected when the table_schema includes tables,
however it shows nothing when the table_schema contains only views. I
tried putting the query into an inline statement as a column selection
in a wrapper query..