>Is is possible to have two entries which have the same
>address_identifier_general, street and postcode, but different
Unfortunately, yes. The data comes from gov't systems to
regulate the development/alteration of arbitrary pieces of property and
those pieces do not always have a
Hello everyone
Thank you all for your suggestions. I had neither heard of partial
unique indexes nor
considered using COALESCE so I will explore both of these as options
and update the
thread with how it goes.
>Then, if you can define a problem where you feel having a unique table
>constraint o
Hi list
I need to store addresses for properties (as in real estate) so in my
naivety I created a unique constraint like this:
ALTER TABLE properties
ADD CONSTRAINT is_unique_address
description, --e.g. Land north of Foo Cottage
Hi Rich
I think you may have serial already there (indicated by sequence in the the
default value). If you wish to change to identity columns this should be
useful: https://www.2ndquadrant.com/en/blog/postgresql-10-identity-columns/
Thanks Laurenz.
Hi list
To make inspecting PostGIS tables in psql easier I have written a
function which outputs PostGIS Geometry objects as a string of ASCII
Please does anyone know if there is there some way I can have my
function called automatically by psql instead of me writing it into
the query each t