Issue with PostgreSQL replication and PITR

2018-03-27 Thread Amee Sankhesara - Quipment India
[Quipment Logo] Hello, We have a windows(2016) setup for PostgreSQL(Version 9.6.5). We have setup replication and PITR on this PostgreSQL server and wal files for replication and PITR we are storing on the another server which is shared with primary and secondary server. For doing some OS mig

Warning of .partial wal file in PITR and Replication Environment

2018-03-26 Thread Amee Sankhesara - Quipment India
[Quipment Logo] Hello, We have a windows setup for PostgreSQL(Version 9.6). We have setup replication and PITR on this PostgreSQL server. For doing some OS migration activity for the PostgreSQL database servers We created two new replication server and promoted to new master server for the sam