Guten Tag Tony Shelver,
am Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2020 um 16:33 schrieben Sie:
> Each vehicle reports position to the database at least every 30 seconds
> when moving, along with any other data as it happens. So it's quite a bit.
> H2 seemed to handle it fine for a limited number of vehicles, but
TimescaleDB as a Postgresql extension has been used in my firm for two
years now, I've recently managed to upgrade it from pg10 to pg12 and from
discrete VM's to Kubernetes as well.
Frankly speaking, being new to TimescaleDB at that time, I've found it easy
to manage, easy to scale (it's 100% c
> Adding the customer id to your returning clause and using update..from
> could help:
> with data as (
> delete from orders
> where customer_id =
> returning customer_id, price
> ), total as (
> select customer_id, sum(price) as total_price
> from data
Thank you all for the help. This is what ultimate resolved the issue for me:
[root@accounting-2 ~ (master)]# psql -E --dbname=idempiere --username=postgres
Password for user postgres:
psql (11.8)
Type "help" for help.
idempiere(5432)=# select current_schemas(true);
On Mon, 5 Oct 2020 at 16:34, Thorsten Schöning
> Guten Tag Tony Shelver,
> am Montag, 5. Oktober 2020 um 15:44 schrieben Sie:
> > Not sure about PG in that environment. Have you thought about something
> > like H2 java database?
> Yes, like SQ
> On 6 Oct 2020, at 7:37, Hemil Ruparel wrote:
> I am trying to delete orders for a given customer on a given date and add the
> cost of those orders to credit for the customer.
> So far, I came up with this:
> ```
> with data as (
> delete from orders
> where customer_id =
Hi Mark,
> On 06. Oct, 2020, at 10:23, Mark wrote:
> Actually, a single quotation will work.
> \ir 'C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\12\\demo-big-en-20170815.sql'
> But I don't know why a single quotation will work.
> It would be very helpful if you guys can explain to me.
because Microsoft
Actually, a single quotation will work.
\ir 'C:\\Program Files\\PostgreSQL\\12\\demo-big-en-20170815.sql'
But I don't know why a single quotation will work.
It would be very helpful if you guys can explain to me.
On Mon, Oct 5, 2020 at 9:31 PM Tom Lane wrote:
> Adrian Klaver writes:
> > O
Dear All,
I'm Jayaram S, oracle DBA. Currently we are planning to develop a stock
market based application which deals 80% of data with time data. We are in
the process of choosing the right database for the requirement especially
for time series data. After all multiple investigations, I found Po