will postgresql-12-postgis-2.5 become available in the postgres repository?

2019-10-06 Thread Arya F
Hello Everyone I installed Postgresql 11 using the Postgresql apt repository listed below deb http://apt.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt/ buster-pgdg main and I was also able to install postgresql-11-postgis-2.5 I have now installed Postgresql 12, but no package named postgresql-12-postgis-2.5 exi

Install postgres on rhel 7

2019-10-06 Thread Mageshwaran Janarthanam
Hi Team, I have question on the postgres install process. Tried to read the archives but couldn't find it. I wanted to install postgres server via rpm and wanted to store the binaries under non default location like /pgbin. Please advise... Thank you

COPY command returns "ERROR: invalid XML content"

2019-10-06 Thread Konstantin Izmailov
Hi, I'm using libpq (v10) to import lots of xml files into a PG10 table. I noticed if number of records imported exceeds 2100 then the following error is returned: ERROR: invalid XML content DETAIL: line 1: Couldn't find end of Start Tag timeBasedFileNamingAndTriggerin line 1 logFile.%d{-MM-d

v12 and pg_restore -f-

2019-10-06 Thread Justin Pryzby
This is a "heads up" for others upgrading to v12. I found a solution for our use case, but it'd be easy to miss this, even if you read the release notes. I saw this and updated our scripts with pg_restore -f- https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/release-12.html |In pg_restore, require specification