Andres Freund writes:
> On 2019-09-04 09:41:43 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> As things stand after a6417078c, the safest place for a fork to put
>> private OIDs is actually from 7999 down; patches shouldn't touch that
>> range, and it'll be a long time till we hit i
ter does not allow the symbols with special meaning of
> the URI parts, e.g. "&" and "?".
Hm, I agree that the options part doesn't accept "&", but I don't see
anything preventing use of a "?" there.
regards, tom lane
might clarify it for you.
regards, tom lane
new entries.
Directories recorded in the hints file by previous runs of
ldconfig are also rescanned for new shared libraries.
I'm hardly a FreeBSD power user, but that does sound like what
is wanted here.
regards, tom lane
Alexander Lakhin writes:
> While translating Release Notes for version 12 I found some
> inconsistencies with contributor names.
Proposed changes seem reasonable from here. Pushed, thanks!
regards, tom lane
n the first reference to a program or function, when there are
several close together.
Thanks for the fixes!
regards, tom lane
, and overall
> dimensionality), but it needs to be documented as behaving that way on that
> page.
Done now.
regards, tom lane
Peter Eisentraut writes:
> PostgreSQL 12 requires C99, so those guidelines should probably be
> rephrased from "because old compilers don't accept it" to "because we
> like it that way".
Yeah, or more formally "to encourage consistent coding style".
regards, tom lane
you think should be undone.
I have noted that many of our Japanese contributors show a different name
order in their From: line than in their signature/footer, so it's not
entirely clear which preference they're expressing.
regards, tom lane
her one.
Will fix, thanks for the report!
regards, tom lane
of whoever is making the
list-of-contributors at the end of a release cycle. So far that's
been Peter.
regards, tom lane
no mention that PG 12's plan_cache_mode can modify this
> behavior. I think this needs a doc patch.
Yeah, agreed. I can do it, or do you want to?
regards, tom lane
Bruce Momjian writes:
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 12:05:07PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Yeah, agreed. I can do it, or do you want to?
> Uh, I am feeling I can't do anything with the tree until Friday because
> of the PG 12 packaging, right?
There's not a freeze on docs
Another way to look at this is that control of whether the repetition
is finished is external to the function/query. If the stop condition
were part of the query logic, it'd be more sensible to think of it as
recursion, IMO.
regards, tom lane
to be moved to the pg_statistic_ext_data section (and then
reworded a bit). Will fix, thanks for the report!
regards, tom lane
uspect that it was supposed to read: "will be".
You'd need to report this to the JDBC project --- this list is just
for documentation issues in core Postgres.
regards, tom lane
Please see
(In any case, I think this is off-topic for pgsql-docs.)
regards, tom lane
les the timeout.
(I'm not quite sure whether the ending "by default" is worth writing
or not.)
Barring objections, I'll run around and make them all look like that.
regards, tom lane
4,5]}'::jsonb @@ '$.a[*] > 2'::jsonpath;
(1 row)
The most likely explanation is that you have some non-built-in
"jsonb @@ something" operator in your installation. But you
did not say what "does not work" means, so I'm just guessing.
regards, tom lane
ing it unless
you're making some other nearby change.
(There are actually instances of this in quite a few places in
our docs, if memory serves. I think somebody uses, or used,
an editor that tended to remove newlines in that context.)
regards, tom lane
utable". I suspect it won't be the only entry that needs
cross-references to other terminology.
regards, tom lane
n altered. Now that we explicitly support
things like altering the ACLs of system-defined objects, I do not
think it's okay to take that part for granted.
regards, tom lane
ecomes s/virgin/pristine/g plus add a parenthetical
definition for the first use? Works for me.
regards, tom lane
Alvaro Herrera writes:
> On 2019-Nov-08, Tom Lane wrote:
>> So the patch becomes s/virgin/pristine/g plus add a parenthetical
>> definition for the first use? Works for me.
> Well, there are three uses of the word "virgin". The first is for
> "virgin user&
like so:
By instructing CREATE DATABASE to copy template0 instead of
template1, you can create a pristine user database, that is one where
no user-defined objects exist and where system objects have not been
altered. This is particularly handy ...
regards, tom lane
Laurenz Albe writes:
> On Wed, 2019-11-13 at 17:17 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> It might be worth clarifying this point in section 5.7,
>> but let's not duplicate that in every ref/ page.
> I have attached a propo
e other commands it suggests using.
Is there some reason why this was particularly hard to discover?
I'd have expected that you got a reasonably clear permissions-
failure error from the IMPORT. If you didn't, maybe there's an
opportunity to improve that.
regards, tom lane
"David G. Johnston" writes:
> On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 12:05 PM Tom Lane wrote:
>> I'm not clear why we should duplicate that information here, especially
>> when we're not duplicating any of the other essential information about
>> how to use IMPORT FOREI
ed not be ordered" and phrase it more like
If there are multiple queries in the WITH clause, RECURSIVE can
be written only once, immediately after WITH. It applies to all
queries in the WITH clause (but has no effect on queries that do
not use either of these features).
regards, tom lane
what the default auth method is on Red Hat packages.
>> But if we want to cater for clueless beginners, we cannot omit Windows.
I have to agree with this point ... fortunately, there's probably only
one packaging that's of great interest there, and that's EDB's.
regards, tom lane
Laurenz Albe writes:
> On Fri, 2019-11-15 at 13:41 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Laurenz Albe writes:
>>> On Wed, 2019-11-13 at 17:17 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>>>> It might be worth clarifying this point in section 5.7,
y misinterpreting the syntax;
so it doesn't seem like it's a huge problem that requires multiple
I've pushed a patch for the SELECT reference page.
regards, tom lane
the spelling should be "UNIX domain sockets".)
FWIW, I think we've used the first spelling in most places.
Which is more "correct", I don't know, but I'm pretty sure
that spelling Unix in all-caps has been out of fashion for
a very long time.
regards, tom lane
Laurenz Albe writes:
> On Tue, 2019-11-19 at 13:21 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Looking at the page again, I notice that there's a para a little further
>> down that overlaps quite a bit with what we're discussing here, but it's
>> about implicit grant options ra
t a bug, and I'm not willing to change that
approach, nor to start plastering random man pages with bright
yellow cautions against doing so. Having the code itself issue
complaints is right out.
regards, tom lane
As long as there's more than one
column expression; the need for that special case is another reason
why omitting ROW isn't really a nice thing to do.)
regards, tom lane
structor, so it only works
in cases where the aggregate function can accept a composite
argument type. Most don't.
Moreover, the very same thing holds in *any* expression context,
not only aggregate arguments. So if we took this seriously there
would have to be a lot of other places plastered with equally
confusing/unhelpful addenda.
regards, tom lane
How about something like
"These node types will discard subnodes when they detect that a
particular subnode won't produce any records required by the query."
Actually, that whole para could do with a rewrite; whoever wrote
it was obviously not familiar with Strunk & White's dictum
"Omit needless words".
regards, tom lane
use of "records" rather than "rows",
and different markup choices. I propose the attached ... it's
actually a bit longer than the original, but that's because it
offers more details.
regards, tom lane
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/perform.sgml b/doc
Julien Rouhaud writes:
> On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 3:51 AM Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
>> Thanks for looking into this. The patch looks much cleaner than
>> before.
> I agree this is way better!
Pushed like that, then.
regards, tom lane
points to this code
I agree this code could have better style, but maybe that is just more
evidence that a well-written example would be helpful?
regards, tom lane
he sect1's contents to be a list of available auth
> methods, linked to their subsections. That would provide approximately
> the same quality-of-use as the subsection TOC that used to be there.
Concretely, I propose the attached. Anybody want to editorialize on
my short descriptions of the
I wrote:
> Concretely, I propose the attached. Anybody want to editorialize on
> my short descriptions of the auth methods?
Pushed after a bit more fiddling with the wording.
regards, tom lane
me: you've run two nearly independent
observations into one sentence. But s/; any/. Any/ might be enough
to fix it.
regards, tom lane
OPY FROM will match each listed column in the table
to a file column by position (so the number of columns listed must match
the number of columns in the file).
regards, tom lane
ch the column list).
regards, tom lane
Bruce Momjian writes:
> OK, this wording is obviously harder than I thought. Updated patch
> attached.
That one works for me.
regards, tom lane
ocumentation to tell you about that. Look
for a README-type file installed by the package.
regards, tom lane
en rule.) This value will
>> It does actually mean "even and odd". This kind of rounding is also
>> called "Banker's Rounding".
> Oh, Thanks! The link is very helpful.
I think actually the standard terminology is "round-to-nearest-even".
regards, tom lane
on't repeat the WINDOW keyword.
If that wasn't the issue, you need to show more specifically what
you tried.
I agree that the syntax definition isn't terribly precise, but
people don't seem to have trouble with the very comparable
rules for, say, FROM or GROUP BY.
regards, tom lane
them in the wiki's list
as long as they're appropriately marked as not-OSS.
regards, tom lane
's correct.
The first sentence uses "graph" as a verb, while the next one uses
"graph" as a noun. Both are correct English, but I can understand that
the inconsistency might confuse non-native speakers. Not sure if it's
worth changing.
regards, tom lane
n, maybe not. But we have to have a redirect,
else external links pointing at this page will be broken.
We have done page renames with redirects in the past, if memory serves,
so it's possible. But I don't know details.
regards, tom lane
PG Doc comments form writes:
> BYTEA missing from Keyword list.
> Is this intentional?
It's not a keyword, just a name that happens to be predefined.
regards, tom lane
So far as I can tell, that RFC's requirement for line breaks has not
been removed by any later RFC. So you're complaining to the wrong
regards, tom lane
at the two examples of
scaling/rotation use a box as the LHS. I could get behind changing
them to use, say, a path as LHS. But I don't think there's room to
explain how to do rotation if you don't know that already, any more
than (say) our explanation of aggregate functions tries to explain
regards, tom lane
n a
> future release.
It's Sunday afternoon, and nothing has happened, so I took it on
myself to revert this.
regards, tom lane
g any real progress on this is the
draconian space constraints imposed by the tabular format, which is
hurting us on a lot of these pages, not just this one. Alvaro did
some preliminary investigation towards finding a better way [1],
but nobody's tried to push that forward.
I also wonder why duplicating the website's style isn't the default.
Doesn't seem like having authors optimize for some other style is
what we really want.
regards, tom lane
"Jonathan S. Katz" writes:
> On 2/11/20 1:37 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I also wonder why duplicating the website's style isn't the default.
>> Doesn't seem like having authors optimize for some other style is
>> what we really want.
> Oh, and speci
acters without running into overwrite
issues, whereas in HTML format the trouble threshold is a good deal
higher. I wonder if we could improve matters by switching to some
narrower font for text in PDF?
regards, tom lane
so I suppose whoever added the implementation just forgot about
fixing the docs.
regards, tom lane
Alvaro Herrera writes:
> On 2020-Feb-12, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I also attached a screenshot of a segment of Table 9-31, to show
>> what that layout proposal looks like. It's a little busier, but
>> it does have the advantage that it's clearer how to apply that
Anybody seen this, or have an idea what to poke at?
regards, tom lane
erial of this sort. It's
tough enough to keep one instance of the info up-to-date. So I'd
want to see some structure for this that respects that existing
set of information.
regards, tom lane
parameter as a constant, to see
if it can get a better (but less general) plan that way. I think that's
probably what happened in your experiment, but you didn't provide enough
details to be sure.
regards, tom lane
nd example results, which
don't seem like they'd be subject to translation. I'm really not eager to
turn loose an automatic-zwsp-inserter for a problem that might be mostly
hypothetical once we have a more forgiving table layout in place.
regards, tom lane
ed HTML files will include references to
stylesheets hosted at, so that viewing them will
require network access."
regards, tom lane
"Jonathan S. Katz" writes:
> On 2/14/20 8:56 PM, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
>> But everything else looks good, right?
>> I would like to commit this patch shortly.
> Language updates attached...mostly kept Tom's suggestions.
Typo (optoin), otherwise LGTM.
regards, tom lane
regards, tom lane
Alexander Lakhin writes:
> It seems Peter was here first:
Indeed. Looks like I need to pester Fedora to absorb that fix.
Thanks for doing the research!
regards, tom lane
s weren't.) However, I do not
have much of a clue as to how such a fix might be injected into
our stylesheets --- anybody have a suggestion?
regards, tom lane
the whole package, as described at
Of course, you could discard the files you don't need afterwards.
regards, tom lane
rom pg_ts_parser;
prsname | prsnamespace
default | pg_catalog
(1 row)
I think you are confusing the parser with something else maybe.
There is a support function named ts_debug ...
regards, tom lane
ht, it's just PG_ARGISNULL without any type-specific
decoration. Will push in a moment.
regards, tom lane
(see under "Present vs. Past Tense"). I believe we largely conform
to that guideline, though of course exceptions sneak in from time
to time.
regards, tom lane
other error message.
regards, tom lane
Bruce Momjian writes:
> On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 03:05:01PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I don't really think this is an improvement, mainly because that
>> error message is inventing a notation that we do not use in any
>> other error message.
> What do you sug
ng .sgml input and then
try to eyeball what's wrong with it.
Fix pushed.
regards, tom lane
Peter Eisentraut writes:
> On 2020-03-24 15:31, Tom Lane wrote:
>> The problem seems to be that cedffbdb8
>> introduced some broken table markup. I wonder why xmllint
>> failed to catch it?
> It's not a validity issue in the DocBook markup. The error comes from
ng the lines of "The contents of a string value must be
validly encoded according to the database's encoding, and cannot include
the character with code zero". I'd sort of thought we said that there
already, but I don't see it.
regards, tom lane
006-2313. If we're missing nul rejection in some code
path, then we're probably not doing encoding validation at all.
regards, tom lane
lly happens here is that text between quotes is considered
quoted (so that, for example, commas within it are not field separators),
but that does not exclude there being other unquoted text within the
same field value.
regards, tom lane
cases be secondary examples rather than the only one. There's some work
afoot to restructure this chapter's function tables in a way that would
make that a bit less painful vertical-space-wise, so maybe it'll get
done soon.
regards, tom lane
y about updating the manual page for
CREATE GROUP though :-(. Will fix, thanks for the report!
regards, tom lane
> also allow control over..."
> as it appears to pertain to the previous example block.
Yeah, I agree, somebody was sloppy about inserting a new paragraph.
Will fix, thanks for the report!
regards, tom lane
Euler Taveira writes:
> It seems an oversight. I'm attaching patches to fix it in all supported
> branches. v11 can be applied cleanly to v12/master.
Ah, I'd already done this before seeing your response :-(
regards, tom lane
f we can get to both insert a right arrow and switch the
font to match 's choice, this would work more or less decently, and
it's probably cleaner than the bare-entity-reference approach I posted
before. I don't have the XSL skills to get that to work though.
Anyone want to help out?
regards, tom lane
as link references?
(I'm particularly wondering how an would render.)
regards, tom lane
ems to be necessary, else the arrow ends up
adjacent to the type name.)
So I'm pretty happy with this implementation and will push forward.
regards, tom lane
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/stylesheet-common.xsl b/doc/src/sgml/stylesheet-common.xsl
index e148c90..5936d9a 10
Alexander Lakhin writes:
> 12.04.2020 20:33, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I educated myself a teensy bit about XSL, and unless I'm missing
>> something, this is really pretty darn trivial; the attached seems
>> to do the trick.
> I've come to almost the same solution sim
Corey Huinker writes:
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 6:41 PM Tom Lane wrote:
>> Is that going to be a problem for the docs toolchain? If
>> the anchors are attached to individual function names rather than
>> sections or paragraphs, do they actually work well as link references?
Corey Huinker writes:
> On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 6:41 PM Tom Lane wrote:
>> Don't have a strong opinion about that, but it'd sure be a lot of new
>> anchors.
> So I can't speak to any scalability issues for adding a bunch of refs,
I did a quick check by add
g with this last night is that
even though or links will take you right to the exact
table entry, the index entries generated from the indexterms only
point to the page. That seems pretty sad, why isn't it better?
regards, tom lane
Corey Huinker writes:
> On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 12:28 PM Tom Lane wrote:
>> I'm not really buying into that as a requirement. For one thing, the
>> anchor name will be 100% predictable.
> The anchor name is deterministic (or I intend it to be) but
> the existence of t
xamples on that page have markup and others not.
regards, tom lane
clauses of a
IOW, Query.jointree->quals.
regards, tom lane
regards, tom lane
th the actual computations,
but I'm not very happy with that approach. Surely Lockhart[1] got this
definition from someplace, though, and didn't invent it out of thin air.
regards, tom lane
[1] I'd supposed we could blame this stuff on Berk
numbers. But yes, that's exactly
what it is. I'll go improve the docs.
regards, tom lane
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