I have a GN NetCom and it works very well. There is good audio and its
posible to stay more than 100 meters away from the computer. The battery
have capacity for more than 2 days. I have heard many people use a wireless
phone for Skype and amateurradio with very good results. The wirelees
hello list,
does anyone know of a good feature packed but accessible bit of software for
dvds, or ripping them to my hard disk?
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Hello Lists!
For Christmas, my wife gave me a Treo Phone (Palm Pilot 1 Device [their latest
model]). I've heard of Palm Pilots, but never used one. My main question is:
"Is there any speech software available for this device? I installed the
software and it has something called a "Palm Deskt
what model do you have email me off list and let me know
i use them and like them
- Original Message -
From: "John Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 1:53 AM
Subject: How accessible are the RCA recorders?
>I got an RCA MP3 voice recor
Hey Simon!
Give me an address where I can send you an attachment and I will send you a
free program that does this very well and is completely accessible.
It's called DVD DECRYPTER.
Regards, Jean
Please visit my site at www.studiomontebello.com
- Original Message -
From: "goshawk" <[EMAIL
Hello friends,
before perhaps puchasing a plextalk ptr2,
i'd like to hear a sample of a recording with the unit, first with the
internal mic, and then with an external mic such as the sony ECM MS
907 or Sony ECM MS 719, because I have both mics here
I'd like to hear if the gain on the recordi
I use the Imtoo DVD Ripper Platinum which give me good results.
Actually, I also use the other Imtoo software, MPEG encoder, audio
encoder, etc. etc.
they are shareware but cheap if you buy the ripper gold pack
On Sun, 10 Dec 2006 17:04:37 +1300, you wrote:
>Hi all, I normally use DVD Audi
I have tryed pamella recorder, a plugin for skype, but this do not
seem accessible for us.
but ttotal recorder do the job if you set it right.
On Sun, 10 Dec 2006 13:08:03 -0600, you wrote:
>well, you can use total recorder, and record skype calls this way as well, i
>do it all the time
absolutly. and it's damned accessible and cheap.
don't expect the fine tunning one have with the one of SoundForge
On Sat, 16 Dec 2006 02:23:07 +1100, you wrote:
>Ok, I'm doing some sampling from cassette tape now. I've purchased a
>registration for the Total Recorder noise reduct
Hi, I would also be interested in this software! You can send the
atachment to:
Thanks and I hope everyone had a great Christmas!
Have a good one:
J. J.
John Jacques
Amateur Radio Station: KG7FA
"Where Cat Is, Is Civilization!"
Check Out My Web Page At: www.myspace.com/johnja
I'm afraid the h10 do not use actual buttons
it would be then difficult to use by a blind person.
also, rockbox for the h10 is in an early stage of developpement as far
as i Know.
On Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:20:48 +1100, you wrote:
>If anyone out there has an Iriver H10 machine, can they ge
Hi James,
Well, I believe those devices are now based on Windows Mobile 2003, so you
could check out the MobileSpeak Pocket screen reader at
- Original Message -
From: "JardataMailServicesBox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, Decem
Arnaud, I did a review of the PTR2 at www.longus.info. You can also
listen to a demo recording there. One cannot directly edit audio files
on the Plextalks. Only the DAISY index files can be modified. However,
there's absolutely no recorder, with which one can edit on a card
quickly. One can copy c
The mp3 file can be copied from the card and edited in soundforge, goldwave,
or if it's a wav file studio recorder.
I'm just getting started with this process.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Michael Lang
Sent: Tuesday, Decembe
Please will some one tell me where can I get DVD audio extractor files that
I put the name in google, found the files and down loaded them however, the
files were corrupted. If anyone knows where I can get a good copy of the
files, I would really appreciate that.
Thanks to all,
my credo:
Clinton lied, nothing happened
Bush lied, thousands died
and thus far, over 3,000 have sustained permanent brain injuries
- Original Message -
From: "carliss Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 1:09 PM
Subject: Getting DVD au
thanks, you can send it to,
- Original Message -
From: "Studio Montebello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: accessible dvd ripping/copying software?
> Hey Simon!
> Give me an address whe
where is this software found please?
- Original Message -
From: "Arnaud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: Accessible DVD Ripper
> I use the Imtoo DVD Ripper Platinum which give me good results.
> Actu
Hello. try
- Original Message -
From: "carliss Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 10:09 AM
Subject: Getting DVD audio extractor?
Please will some one tell me where can I get DVD audio extractor files that
Is it possible to do a three-way call using Skype out, that is, call
one person, then cal another and bring them together? If so, can
somebody briefly outline how to do it? I tried placing a first call
on hold, calling a second party, but couldn't figure ot how to get
them together.
If you're wanting to make a call to two telephones, I don't think that it is
In any case, the first thing to do is to add them to your Skype out
contacts. After that, you need to invite them to a conference call.
If you require further help, you can skype me using the name jnosew
Hello. after you put that call on hold you will go to call menu and go to
join to creat a conference. after focusing on the tab you want to join.
> Is it possible to do a three-way call using Skype out, that is, call
> one person, then cal another and bring them together? If so, can
> somebody
You'll want to check to see what OS the phone runs on. There are three
that it could use, possibly four. Some Palm devices use their OS, I'm
not sure if there are separate ones for phones or not. It could also be
using Pocket PC 03, Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile Smartphone. There
are d
Do you have to use a bluetooth adapter with these? I'm looking for something
too. I was thinking about a CS-50 from Plantronics. Someone said these
things get real noisy and don't work well, not sure on that though.
- Original Message -
From: "Jacob" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio di
My guess is that you would conference them using the setup a conference call
feature in Skype.
- Original Message -
From: "Dean Martineau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Tuesday, December 26, 2006 3:28 PM
Subject: three-way calling using Skype Out?
: Is it
Hi all. I just got an Ipod Nano for Christmas, so anyone who can help me
learn it, because I can't get speech for it, or wants to help me with
Itunes, that would help greatly. I won't put my email in but if someone
wants to write off list to help that would be fine. Thanks for any help,
hi Siobhan,
I just got a nano too.
Why do you say you can't get speech on it?
I just looked on the site and it says that the second gens of nanos are
supported I haven't tried to put it on yet, I'll do that in a few mins.
skype hollywood080
Audio List Help, Guidelines, A
I just got a note from the rock box list itself, saying that not in the near
future would the second generation one be supported. The second one, is the
aluminum one. I also thought it said something in the FAQ but if you get it
installed, will you help me/ If you don't mind.
- Original Me
Hey guys,
Tell me about the nano, this sounds interesting.
Does it work well?
The big concern I have with a lot of these ipods is what can you do with
I'd like to get one but not sure how accessible they are.
Can anyone tell me more?
-Original Message-
From: Jorge Mojic
my bad, I just rechecked it, oh sigh.
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She probably doesn't know about rockbox.
my credo:
Clinton lied, nothing happened
Bush lied, thousands died
and thus far, over 3,000 have sustained permanent brain injuries
- Original Message -
From: "Jorge Mojica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Tuesda
Allison, I even got a note from their official list saying that it wouldn't
be supported into he near future which totally annoys me. I'm not trying to
sound ungrateful, but just my crappy luck. George, thanks for your one
glimmer of hope, however short lived. I assure you I shall bury it in a
hmm, well I can't tell you much yet. it was gifted to me, otherwise I
wouldnt get one myself.
So it's been a couple of days and this is what I can tell you so far, my
wife is sighted and finds navigating it awkward, but she's kinda slow with
tech stuff, I can say that cuz she's not a member. h
well siobhan,
what are you able to do now?
Brian hartgen (sp?) has scripts but I'm not sure what all you can do with
as I mentioned in my previous post get anapod explorer at
skype me or msn me and with my limited know how I'll walk you through
whatever I can.
Hi George, I have no knowledge of the menus or anything just looked at
anapod I might go that route. If you get the menu system down, if you
wouldn't mind letting me know since it's hard to get someone to give me a
hand right now with this. And Ideally I'd like to get this fixed so I can
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