2010-01-03 Thread André van Deventer
can assure you! -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of tim Sent: 03 January 2010 04:54 PM To: PC Audio Discussion List Subject: Re: I am looking at this sight and looks very! non user friendly! but would love


2010-01-03 Thread tim
I am looking at this sight and looks very! non user friendly! but would love! to look at it thanks for any suggestions! - Original Message - From: "André van Deventer" To: "'PC Audio Discussion List'" Sent: Friday, January 01, 2010 9:50 Subject: www.fmm.

2010-01-01 Thread André van Deventer
Hi folks I am trying to access the site and to listen to some audio on it with any success. This is the website for the franschoek motor museum. If you click on one of the vehicles on the the cars section, you will get to the history and specs of a certain vehicle. Acfcording to the folks at