Attached files CANNOT be sent to the list; it is a way of guarding against
viruses me thinks. I'd like a copy too, perhaps you can put it up on and then send the link to the list so everyone who wants a
copy can download it from there.
But in case you choose to send a copy to ea
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 10:49 PM
Subject: manual in accessible format for mackie 802 vlz3 mixer
I just bought this mixer and am trying to get a copy of the manual in
accesible format. I downloaded the pdf version but cannot read it
because of its security set
printer in these programs to OCR the document, if the author hasn't
>disabled printing.
>Gary King
>- Original Message -
>From: "tim cumings"
>Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 9:49 PM
>Subject: manual in accessible form
ginal Message -
From: "tim cumings"
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 9:49 PM
Subject: manual in accessible format for mackie 802 vlz3 mixer
I just bought this mixer and am trying to get a copy of the manual in
accesible format. I downloaded the
pdf version but cannot read it
14, 2010 10:49 PM
Subject: manual in accessible format for mackie 802 vlz3 mixer
I just bought this mixer and am trying to get a copy of the manual in
accesible format. I downloaded the pdf version but cannot read it
because of its security settings. Does anydyone have an
I just bought this mixer and am trying to get a copy of the manual in accesible
format. I downloaded the
pdf version but cannot read it because of its security settings. Does anydyone
have an accesible copy of this
manual they could send me. I would also be interested in speaking with anyone