; - Oprindelig meddelelse -
> Fra: "Steve Pattison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Til: "PC Audio"
> Sendt: 17. marts 2007 04:03
> Emne: Winamp Version 5.34 Build 1178 Beta is now Available
>> Winamp version 5.34 build 1178 beta is now availabl
Winamp Version 5.34 Build 1178 Beta is now Available
> Winamp version 5.34 build 1178 beta is now available and one place
> where you can download it from is at
> www.whitestick.co.uk/progs/winamp534_1178beta.exe. Here are the
> changes between builds 1155 and 1178 of Winamp ve
Winamp version 5.34 build 1178 beta is now available and one place
where you can download it from is at
www.whitestick.co.uk/progs/winamp534_1178beta.exe. Here are the
changes between builds 1155 and 1178 of Winamp version 5.34:
* Main thread is now a multithreaded COM apartment (please test