This is from an earlier e-mail:
I've updated my Jaws guide to audacity to cover version 2.0. Nearly all the
guide is also applicable to users of window-eyes and nvda. The guide is
-Original Message-
From: Don Breda
Sent: Sunday, Apr
Look in the TechTalk archives.
- Original Message -
From: "Don Breda"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2012 6:45 PM
Subject: Audacity tutorials or podcasts from a blindness perspective:
Subject says it all.
Are there any podcasts or tu
Gene Asner did a podcast a number of years ago and I don't know if it is
still available or where you would find it. Also, I don't know how much the
program has changed and how relevant it would still be. If anyone can
answer these questions or lead us to some more current information, I'd also