Re: winamp 5.2 library

2006-03-05 Thread Mickey Quenzer
Hi; Just wanted to know if this is a problem that makes winamp unusable? Haven't upgraded yet, and don't need trouble grin!! Also, is her a good way to get hese issues resolved? Is anyone working with them? I've found that writing them in the past doesn't help. - Original Message -

Re: new computer for audio editing

2005-05-06 Thread Mickey Quenzer
Hi: So does this only efect midi files? Which sound card do you reccomend? *** MQ *** *** Home Page: *** *** SkypeT - instigater7724*** - Original Message - From: "Jerry Richer" <[EMAIL PRO

Re: new computer for audio editing

2005-05-04 Thread Mickey Quenzer
Hi: I'm not farmiliar with the term Low latency sound cards, Can you tell me where I can findout more about what that means? Thanks! *** MQ *** *** Home Page: *** *** SkypeT - instigater7724*** -

making winamp start out with a new playlist when it opens

2005-04-25 Thread Mickey Quenzer
Hello Listers: When I open a file with winamp, the files I've heard before are in the playlist. Can anyone tell me which item to change in properties to make it start with a fresh playlist each time winamp opens? It's frustrating to have to go to the bottom of the playlist each time I want to

IRTI NewsClips

2005-04-19 Thread Mickey Quenzer
Hello listers: Because this issue has lot's in it about DAISY products sold by IRTI, i decided you might be interested in it! *** MQ *** *** Home Page: *** *** SkypeT - instigater7724*** - Orig

Re: Sound forge question, Slowing down speed of recorded sound

2005-02-27 Thread Mickey Quenzer
Hi! Alt+C P will get you in to the pitch menu. There you have to hit S for Shift. You should be on some preset's. Try each one of them by down errowing and hit ALT+P to preview the setting's effect on your sound file. ALT+P is a toggle. Pressing it again will stop the listening of the selecti

Re: Can somebody try this site?

2005-02-27 Thread Mickey Quenzer
Hi: This site does come up with jaws version 6. However, the web master should add alt text as all the links aren't understandable. *** MQ *** *** Home Page: *** *** SkypeT - instigater7724*** --

Re: MP3 Direct Cut

2004-04-10 Thread Mickey Quenzer
Hello Ann: Can you tell me if you've solved this problem yet, and what you use? I've got files that I've recorded at fast speed that I need to slow down1 Thanks! *** MQ *** *** Home Page: *** - Origi