RE: media center question

2007-02-12 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
thank you. I will look forward the keyboard shortcut via google... yes, your description match the remote I have I think. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 11/02/2007 at 19:55 Rick Alfaro wrote: >Hi. > >I don't recall all of the shortcuts but here is a list of what I know. If >

RE: media center question

2007-02-12 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
it's an integrated Toshiba ibrid tuner with DVBT and analog reception. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 12/02/2007 at 17:57 Amanda wrote: >Are you using a tv tuner with Media Center? If so, which one? > >-Original Message- >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: The voice of Rockbox.

2006-12-09 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
ok, try... *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 02/12/2006 at 16:03 Arthur Barney wrote: >Hi Arnaud, >when trying to open the site that you provided, it says that there is an >error. >Arthur Barney >- Original Message - >From:

Re: Winamp 5.32 is now Available

2006-12-02 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
ok. which script for Winamp is the best for jfw 7.X? I'd like to gain easy access to the Winamp library. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 22/11/2006 at 10:37 Steve Pattison wrote: >Winamp 5.32 is now available and one place where you can download it >from is at

Re: The voice of Rockbox.

2006-12-02 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
yes. search for the voice files I have made on the rockbox wiki page or donwload it from my ftp server *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 01/12/2006 at 04:32 Dane Trethowan wrote: >Hi! >I've been using Rockbox on my Iriver h340 for quite some time,

Re: Other than Nero

2006-10-07 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
to burn audio cds, CDRWin is quite excellent and accessible I don't recommand it for DVD burning as it's not very good for DVD . *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 02/10/2006 at 18:24 Morey Worthington wrote: >Hello, >I am currently using Nero as my CD Burner progra

Re: Ripping with audio grabber

2006-10-01 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
when you have checked the presence of laneenc.dll in the a g directory, go to the option / mp3 settings menu and select the audio format and encoder used from there. lame is in the internal encoder and it's selected by default *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 25/09/2006 at 12:14 J

Re: Audio grabber and lame mp3 encoder

2006-10-01 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
simply put lameenc.dll in your audiograbber directory, that's it. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 25/09/2006 at 01:18 Jed Barton wrote: >Hey guys, >How do I select the lame mp3 encoder for audio grabber? >Any ideas? > >Thanks, >Jed > > >_

Re[2]: Soft Synth Question.

2006-09-24 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
On 10/09/2006 at 08:01 Jim Noseworthy wrote: >Hi Gang: > >Can anyone recommend a good accessible keyboard controler? > >Thanks all over the place gang. > > >- Original Message ----- >From: "Arnaud de Bonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: "PC audio

Re: Soft Synth Question.

2006-09-10 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
for classical music, you need a real bood piano such as synthogy hyvory or native instr piano, or steinberg piano, etc. etc. there are also paying giga studio sound font, such as bigas giga steinway grand piano, etc. they sound pretty good in my opinion too. for a more pop oriented usage, the p


2006-08-19 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
it's all in the Option menu / convert sub menu. btw. I agree with you, the registration is otherwize a pain. contact the author directly by mail. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 16/08/2006 at 06:41 André van Deventer wrote: >Hi all > >I like this biblos programme, simply because

Re[3]: Windows SAPI 5 problems.

2006-07-08 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
well. it's still possible to use the Win 2K Narrator in Windows XP. it won't read the XP bubble , but who cares anyway. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 01/07/2006 at 11:12 Patrick Perdue wrote: >Hello Arthur, > >On Friday, June 30, 2006, 11:29:35 PM, you bellowed the following: >>

Re: Windows SAPI 5 problems.

2006-07-08 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
in my opinion, try to reinstall SAPI 5. I have the file ehre in the /all_files/windows-multimedia downlaod sapi51xp.msi. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 28/06/2006 at 18:46 Jim Noseworthy wrote: >Hi Folks: > >I recently installed a speech engine from ScanSoft. Af

Re: IRiver MP3 players and Rockbox Audio issue.

2006-07-08 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
no, as far as i know. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 06/07/2006 at 08:38 Jim Noseworthy wrote: >Hi Folks: > >Is there any change in the status of the problems that Rockbox is having >running audio on the Iriver MP3 players - especially when resume is >enabled? > >Thanks all over t

Re: Skype Version is now Available

2006-06-18 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
do you know a good jfw script for this new version? they change their version so often ... *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 15/06/2006 at 00:13 Steve Pattison wrote: >Skype version is now available and one >place where you can download it from is at > Her

Re: To Arnaud re Rockbox for I river ihp 120

2006-06-18 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
well, actually I don't know even how to set up the input gain. before it was in the recording settings options so it was talking. I don't know where it is not nor even if it still exist. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 18/06/2006 at 02:17 Studio Montebello wrote: >Hello arnaud! >

Re[2]: Rockbox Recording Settings Not Spoken

2006-06-04 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
/2006 at 12:37 Studio Montebello wrote: >Hi Arnaud, >Are you saying that this is an I River limitation or Rockbox? >Jean > >- Original Message - >From: "Arnaud de Bonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: "PC audio discussion list. " >Sent: F

Re[4]: txt2mp3

2006-06-04 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
biblos do not split mp3 files. it split the creation of the audio in MP3 format by the specified number. for example if you put 47, it would split the reading into 47 mp3 files. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 26/05/2006 at 21:45 kevin cussick wrote: >Hi all, > >My finger is fee

Re: Rockbox Recording Settings Not Spoken

2006-05-26 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
mono / stereo recording is not an option on the Iriver. the Iriver always record in stereo I think at 44100 KHZ Wav file. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 23/05/2006 at 15:28 Gary King wrote: >I am using the May 22 daily build for Rockbox on my iRiver 120. I no >longer >hear some

Re[4]: txt2mp3

2006-05-21 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
Biblos is supposed to be multilingual and put itself in the same language as your Windows operating systems. but some residual part are still in italian. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 21/05/2006 at 14:21 kevin cussick wrote: >Hi, > >This software sounds very interesting but I

Re[4]: txt2mp3

2006-05-21 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
g for a text to speech software to produce mp3 files for >quite some time that uses eloquence. > >Can you send me the direct link to download the software? > >Regards > >Andre > > >-Original Message- >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >On Beh

Re: biblos

2006-05-21 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
ok. sorry then. on a french Windows, it's almost all translated in french. beside the license agreement or something like that. so I thought the program was completly multilingual in English too bad then. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 20/05/2006 at 10:44 Brandon Hicks wrote

Re[2]: txt2mp3

2006-05-20 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
Textaloud mp3 is my favorite choice too, but if you like the Eloquence voice , try the Biblos software. it's made by a blind italian. Biblos actually use the Eloquence Engine we have with jfw (eci.dll) for the synth to produce mp3 file. as a result, Biblos can convert files to mp3 at a ultra fa

recording multiple streams at once with total recorder version 6

2006-05-20 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
Hello friends, if there are total recorder v6 user here, I'd like to know if you have been able to record 2 different streams at once with the new version 6. I mean, record these streams via scheduled recordings. for some unknown reasons , it doesn't work here. it work if I restart the record

Re[4]: replay-AV weirdness

2006-04-30 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
I tryed replay av, but I have not understood in the scheduler how do you set the end time for a recording. there's some setting for the star time, but I have not found how to specify a duration or a end time. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 24/04/2006 at 09:20 Gary King wrote: >U

Re: I Audio

2006-04-30 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
correction, the iriver do record from fm if you use Rockbox. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 27/04/2006 at 20:20 Brandon Hicks wrote: >hi all, >was taking a look at the I Audio x5 and x5l. i remember someone mentioning >one of them, are either one supported by rockbox? >the reason


2006-04-04 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
ce if they >want to listen to either of those stations? >- Original Message - >From: "Arnaud de Bonald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: "PC audio discussion list. " >Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 4:31 AM >Subject: Re[2]: DAB RADIO? > > >>I don


2006-04-02 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
I don't think so. Ibok is a propritary system and it requires that the step between two used frequency on the FM band to be 400 KHZ. while 400 KHZ step is probably used in the US, the FM band in Europe use 150 or 200 KHZ to accomodate more radio stations. I know for sure that in France, the Ib

Re[2]: Help with Iriver 340 and rock box.

2006-03-18 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
mode it just >comes >back up in Iriver mode any more ideas? > >-Original Message- >From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Arnaud de Bonald >Sent: 17 March 2006 21:29 >To: PC audio discussion list. >Subject: Re: Help with Iriver 340 and rock box

Re: Ipod and RockBox

2006-03-17 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
It's a little bit early to comment on this. Rockbox for the Ipod is really in developpement stage. the voice interface is not available yet. *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 15/03/2006 at 20:50 Jim Noseworthy wrote: >Hi Gang: > >Has anyone had any experience with any of the Ipod pl

Re: Help with Iriver 340 and rock box.

2006-03-17 Thread Arnaud de Bonald
just in case, make sure your iriver is disconnected from the charger when you switch it on *** REPLY SEPARATOR *** On 15/03/2006 at 16:49 kevin cussick wrote: >Hi all, > >I installed the rock box software with out any problems on my Iriver 320. > >I wish I can say the same abo