A few weeks ago I received a warning I'd be unsubscribed if I didn't
respond. I did but I'm not receiving any mail from the list. Please help.
Speaking of the USB record player or turntable, it seems that all I've seen
advertised have ceramic cartrages. Does anyone know of one that has a magnetic
cartrage? Thus far, I've been using my old, old stereo with its tape output
jacks connected to the soundcard input of the recording compute
1. F11 to get to control properties.
2. then control tab until you get to the device tab.
3. tab through to see whatever it is that you are after selecting and
recording from (keep in mind, you will need to have the device you are
interested in recording from, plugged in).
-Original Messa
I assume you are Windows7, or XP? I cannot help otherwise.
Your USB device will be known to your system as an external (probably
removable) disk drive.
To obtain a file from this device, do control with o, then tab round to the
appropriate selection and select the device, then tab ro