Thanks Steve-&-all!
I got a converter from Radio Shack and am now streaming like a World War I
(I guesws that’s a good thing, right?)
On May 2, 2014, at 1:35 PM, Steve Jacobson wrote:
> Brad,
> There are two ways I know of to get analog outputs from an Apple TV. First,
Thanks Robert, I got the activation prompt with this version, unlike the one
I tried installing from my old system, and I was able to activate it with
the code from my old system. It['s running fine now.
Thanks very much!]
-Original Message-
From: Robert Doc Wright
Sent: Sunday,
Thanks Robert, I will try it.
On 5/4/2014 12:46 AM, Robert Doc Wright wrote:
See if this one will work for you.
It is now working just fine for me.
If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why? then where does the learning
- Original Me
This feature was added in an earlier version with Replay Radio 9 and I tested
today. Was able to schedule a recording with a start time to record from an
external source like from a radio unit's headphone output jack connection to a
USB sound card's mic input jack. Scheduler was set to capture f