Hello Don and list: Well that explains it; funny you should come in on this
when you did as I was about to ask if anyone knew (for sure) if running the
"standard" version of TR would cause it not to be able to edit! What's
interesting to me is the fact that it has the menus, leading one to thi
yes, and dar.fm. I got shows accumulating over there, not sure what to do
with them though. I'd like to download them out though, but having to hit
little 4 minute mp3's seems not so attractive.
- Original Message -
From: "Dane Trethowan"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday
I don't mean to ask the obvious, Tom; however, which version of Total
Recorder 7.1 are you using? You cannot do what you want to do unless
you are using the professional version. The standard version absolutely
will not work.
Don Roberts
On 5/3/2011 11:58 AM, Tom Kaufman wrote:
I've alwayse had the pro version with 7.1 and not 8.2
I just discovered the control s, because I didn't have my hot keys set.
I haven't used it yet though.
Good luck
- Original Message -
From: "Tom Kaufman"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 9:59 PM
Subject: R
Hello Ken and list: You did say that Total Recorder 7.1 should do just
fine; did you mean the "standard" version? That's what I have, so this may
be the problem!
Tom Kaufman
- Original Message -
From: "KEN REED"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 7:36 PM
Larry and list: You may be right, but I have been told that Total Recorder
7.1 should work; at least I understood that he meant "standard edition" I
suppose I could be wrong about that!
Tom Kaufman
- Original Message -
From: "Larry Higgins"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesd
OK, I'm gonna make one more stab at this, and you ain't gonna like it
I'm afraid. Maybe cutting and pasting, and deleting within a file
crosses over into editing territory, and such options may be
available only in the Pro edition and above. I'll bet you aren't able
to append one file to anothe
Just received a reply from the support people at mp3tunes.com regarding
accessibility of their site and software.
The support people both apologised for the inconvenience caused to the
inaccessible nature of their site and software and said they would see what
they could do about these
Hello Larry and list: Afraid I'm a step ahead of you on this one, Larry;
have already done that "search" thing as I had that same thought; I came up
empty, except for the copy that WD Smartware had backed up of the part of
the file I ended up saving; the one I wanted to "cut away" from the main
call away, it's alright.
- Original Message -
From: "Tom Kaufman"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: Progress Report On My Total Recorder Problem
Ken and list: Yes; that's what I want; I've tried tapping the "delete"
key; no soap! I ma
Just making sure. When you save as, when you tab backwards to see
where the file is being saved, it is being saved on the desktop? Just
for the hell of it, do a search on your hard drive for your file with
Windows find, just in case there is a duplicate. If there is, that
may be the one you hav
Larry and list: Actually have done all of that (TR saves my recorded files
to the desk top) just as I want it to for now; it's not something that most
people would do, but I usually save it there; then move it to where I want
it. And yes I have tried doing the "save" through the menus; at leas
Also try creating a new file from some other recording source, just
to see where it might go when saving. You might save using the file
menu in order to see just where files are being saved too. Have you
tried saving your work through the menus, rather than just pressing
ctrl-s. Try doing that,
Okay: have checked the "my music" folder (not there) will next look in "my
Tom Kaufman
- Original Message -
From: "Larry Higgins"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Progress Report On My Total Recorder Problem
Are you
Larry and list: Okay in that case, I shall have a look in my "my music"
folder and see if there's anything there; could be that I have a "saved"
version of the file (as I want it) and didn't know it! Will keep you
Tom Kaufman
- Original Message -
From: "Larry Higgins"
To: "
Are you absolutely sure that the work is being saved to the file on
the desktop?
Maybe you should copy the file to another folder, then bring the new
copy up from within that new folder with TR, and do it all over
again. Just forget the copy in the desktop. I know, it really
shouldn't make a
Larry and list: Okay; how do I go about telling (it's not putting a second
file on my desk top, so how do I know?
Tom Kaufman
- Original Message -
From: "Larry Higgins"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Progress Report On My Total
Again Tom, I hope you aren't mistakenly playing a previous copy of
the original file using Winamp, giving you the misimpression that TR
isn't doing its work. Or maybe I'm actually hoping that is exactly
what you are doing, because if you are... You might feel a bit
foolish for a while after rea
Larry and list: As far as I can tell, once I've marked the areas, then hit
"Delete" then "control-S" (which someone told me really didn't think that
did anything) I then play the file in Total Recorder and that part (when I
come to it) appears to be gone; the beginning of the file will start to
OK Tom, one more point of clarification. If you delete the selection,
save the file, then close TR, then return to TR and reopen the
previously saved file with the selected material gone, is it really
gone? I mean when replaying it in TR, not with Winamp.
Is there no chance that you aren't mi
Larry and list: Yes; I did accomplish what you describe; now if I can only
get it to remove the part of the file I don't need, I'd be in business!
Tom Kaufman
- Original Message -
From: "Larry Higgins"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: Pr
Ken and list: Yes; that's what I want; I've tried tapping the "delete" key;
no soap! I may get around to calling you a little later today if that's
Tom Kaufman
- Original Message -
From: "KEN REED"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 3:12 PM
Subject: Re
It will if he chooses to replace it. This works the same as if he
were using a word processor. If he chooses not to replace the file,
then the new version will not contain the deleted material.
This process really shouldn't be all that difficult, but computers
sure can act strange at times. I
OK Tom, but here is a question. Can you save such a selection to a
file. If you can, and yet can't save a file without the material that
you were able to save a selection too, then that is even more wierd
than not being able to save a file without deleted material. Does
that make sense? I mean,
It looks like you want to delete part of the file.
In that case , after the section is marked just tap the delete key and that
part of the file will be gone.
I think the original file will not be changed.
An 7.1 is alright. d
----- Original Message -
From: "Tom Kaufman"
Larry: You hit it right on the button! This is exactly what happened! You
are correct; am trying to remove the part of the file I don't want.
Tom Kaufman
- Original Message -
From: "Larry Higgins"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: Progr
That may work if you really want to save a selection. However, if he
wants to save a file with a selected portion removed, then he needs
to be able to save the file after removing a selection. All he'll get
if he saves such a selection is material he doesn't want saved in
its own file, and not
I should mention that I am using Total Recorder 7.1; don't know that this
makes any difference, but thought I should mention it!
Tom Kaufman
- Original Message -
From: "KEN REED"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 6:31 AM
Subject: Re: Progress Report On My Tota
Ken and list: Well here's what I got: I got a "saved" version of the file
that I wanted to cut off (this is not what I wanted) I want to take the
leftover part of the file and cut it off! I can make "Total Recorder" play
it that way, but then when I go to play the actual file, using "Winamp, _
were i can found skripts for jaws and totalrecorder
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Oh; so I want "save as?" Will give that one a try; I ain't done yet--smile!
I'm determined that I'm going to make this thing do what I want to do, or
find out why I can't!
Tom Kaufman
- Original Message -
From: "KEN REED"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 6:
Thanks Dane. I installed the free Hotspot Shield VPN program and that allowed
me to gain access. Unfortunately it comes with a lot
of advertising junk when browsing, so I'll try to find a better solution.
- Original Message -
From: "Dane Trethowan"
To: "PC Audio Discus
hi thom, just call me, what I'm telling you works for me every time.
If the markers are in place the save selection as option is what you want.
just give it a name , tell it where you want to put it and your done.
- Original Message -
From: "Tom Kaufman"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List"
i too
- Original Message -
From: "Robert Logue"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" ;
Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2011 4:26 AM
Subject: Re: Total Recorder Instructions
Hi Colin. I'd like to join the Total Recorder group. I am blind and just
starting to use the professional trial.
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