Hi would to know the best way to set up cd ex so that I can rip my cd's in
320 or 256 or 224 if I wish?
I would like to get the best sound quality that I can and would like to
maintain a constant bit rate of whatever bit rate that I would like to use
when I rip cd's.
So all assistance and setti
Yes Bobcat!
I have one of these little darlings!
I bought the arm band which also works well inddeed.
A fantastic little toy that in my opinion, smokes the shuffle for sure!
- Original Message -
From: "Bobcat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. "
Sent: Saturday, June
I am really impressed with this little guy. Got one and fell in love with
the little darling. Hooked up my nice Sennheiser PX100 headphones and
discovered the sound on all music to be jaw dropping good. The little
speaker is also amazing for something so darn small. Noticed it even sounds
yes you can put any make of sound card in your computer.
it does not have to be the same make or brand.
hope that helps.
Skype: thetruestar
Take a listen: http://www.live365.com/stations/highenergyfm
or visit: http://www.freewebs.com/highenergy
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can anyone advise me on this. i know it is possible to put 2 or more sound
cards into a computer, one for running my speach software and one for running
my music,
but when doing this should i chose 2 cards of the same make and model or would
this cause problems.
or is there a sound card out t