Re: Jitter errors

2008-01-10 Thread Kevin Lloyd
Jitter errors mean that your rip has imperfections. These manifest themselves as small blips in the music or in worse cases, skipping. Kevin E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Original Message - From: "GianniP46" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PCAudioList" Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 3:31 AM

Karaoke machine or software

2008-01-10 Thread John Sanfilippo
Hello, I'm seeking a machine or software which is easy to use, accessible, and able to somehow combine plain audio files with plain text files to present song lyrics while the music plays. I'd rather not have to go with special formats, but if something is around which is flexible and good to use,

Re: connecting my portable stereo to mycomputerusingtheauxiliaryjacks?

2008-01-10 Thread Kulvinder Singh Bhogal
That was very informative. I love this sort of info, keep it coming! REgards. Kulvinder Singh Bhogal Skype name: bobba2006 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mobile: 07792888797 - Original Message - From: "DJ DOCTOR P" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" Sent: Wednesday, January 0

RE: DFX audio enhancer

2008-01-10 Thread Cornell Ligon
thanks for that enlightenment. I probably won't take a peak, because I'm using JFW 6.2, which is roughly 3 years old now and newer apps probably won't work too well. I do however wish I could send over my enhancements to my MP3 player when syncing files, such as the SRS WOW sound enhancer and

Re: Desperately need help with splitter problem.

2008-01-10 Thread Adrien Collins
Hi Billy Yes, your best bet is to look on the online shop, I don't think they are in the catalogue but they are definitely on the website, or ring customer services and ask them about them. Regards Adrien You can get me off list at [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL