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opnfv-tech-discuss mailing list
All of DCAE is up via OOM (including the 7 CDAP nodes)
Issue was: each tenant hits its floating IP allocation after 2.5 DCAE installs
- we run out of IPs because they are not deleted.
Fix: delete all unassociated IPs before bringing up OOM/DCAE - we cannot mix
cloudify blueprint orchestra
This is outdated information.
With the latest versions of NFVbench, the testpmd VM image is included in the
docker container itself (that way we make sure NFVbench always uses the right
version of the VM image).
May I ask why you want to access this VM image? To use it you will need to
Joe, Tina,
Issue was lack of IP's - fixing (also I will increase the ram of the cloudify
manager vm) - will document.
HEAT side of an OOM deployment
ubuntu@dcae-dcae-bootstrap:~$ sudo docker ps -a
Dear All,
I wanted to download testpmdvm-latest.qcow2 as recommended here
but testpmd VMs link looks as an internal
is this IP/link correct could you pl
My proposed Agenda for today is:
Agenda for 09 feb 2018
1) Status of testing towards Fraser release milestones
2) Update on hardware order for more pods in Armband lab
3) Brief discussion on Apex Installer
4) Any Additional Issues
5) Wrap
Talk to you shortly
Robert (Bob) Monkma
Dear all,
Here is Monday 6am Auto agenda.
See you then.
Thank you,
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I also add my +1 - I missed the nomination thread.
Thank you,
On 02/08/2018 08:20 PM, Tianhongbo wrote:
> Hi TSC:
> According to the vote results, the Georg Kunz is the new dovetail PTL
> Hongbo:+1
> Lincoln:+1
> Trevor:+1
> Wenjing:+1
> Fuqiao:+1
> Wangle
Thanks for this email!
I’m still parsing/consuming - the first link has much more background
information/explanation than what I’d been looking at. Really great.
Also thanks for taking the journey and leaving such good notes.
> On Feb 9, 2018, at 12:44 AM, Michael O'Brien w
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