d-off-by: Florian Eckert
.../patches/001-make-route-disable.patch | 29 +++
1 file changed, 29 insertions(+)
create mode 100644
diff --git a/package/network/config/netifd/patches/001-make-route-disable.pat
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
- Fix code style
- Create patch from netif repository
interface-ip.c | 5 +
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
diff --git a/interface-ip.c b/interface-ip.c
index 6efc3c5..e14a154 100644
--- a/interface-ip.c
+++ b/interface-ip.c
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
To allow other services to respsond to a restart event from a procd initialised
service, a new ubus method "restart" in the ubus "service" path is needed
to trigger a ubus notify and also execute the installed service triggers.
Cc: Aaron Goodman
Signed-off-by: Florian
Thies commit add the new wrapper function to rc.common to execute the new ubus
service method "restart" on a service restart.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/base-files/files/etc/rc.common | 13 +
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)
diff --git a/package/base-files
Remove trailing whitespace.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/config/firewall/files/firewall.init | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/network/config/firewall/files/firewall.init
In order that the prcod restart service can also be triggered during a
firewall restart, this call function must be changed.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/config/firewall/files/firewall.init | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/network
This commit add a wrapper for procd services, to add a callback script
if the "service.restart" trigger event was fired.
service_trigger() {
procd_add service_trigger "service.restart" "firewall"
lem here.
Full discussion hat taken place at this URL:
Florian Eckert (5):
procd: add restart ubus call
base-files: add restart function wrapper
firewall: fix whitespace
firewall: use new restart_service callback
procd: add api wrapper
add_restart_service_trigger 'firewall'
If the firewall is restarted, the specified will be executed.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
Changes since v1:
- Augment procd_add_service_trigger with
is there any reason not to use the flock style below? It should be more
reliable wrt. unlocking if the script is prematurely terminated.
-- 8< --
flock -x 1000
} 1000>/var/lock/dsl_pipe
-- >8 --
We could also use the procd_lo
openwrt.git includes an old version of QEMU (0.14 vs 5.1.0 in
packages.git) only to convert x86 images to vdi and vmdk. Is there
anyone actively using the vanilla x86 QEMU images from the upstream
servers or can can we remove that "feature"?
I am building my own openwrt.
So I do not use th
this change, the init script is now used with the command:
/etc/init.d/ info
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/base-files/files/etc/rc.common | 5 +
package/system/procd/files/procd.sh| 14 ++
2 files changed, 19 insertions(+)
diff --git a/package/base-files/files/e
this change, the init script is now used with the command:
/etc/init.d/ info
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
- Remove duplicate json service string
package/base-files/files/etc/rc.common | 5 +
package/system/procd/files/procd.sh| 13 +
2 files changed, 18 insertions(+
Hi Petr,
By adding the extra command `info` it is now possible to retrieve all
relevant data from a procd started service directly via the init
whats the use case, how is this useful?
As already mentioned, it is a improvement to get the information of the
procd service objects fast
With this change, the init script is now extend with the command to get
this information easier.
`/etc/init.d/ procd`
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
- Remove duplicate json service string
- Change init call from `info` to `procd`
- Update PKG_RELEASE fo
Hello Petr
On 2020-12-17 10:12, Petr Štetiar wrote:
Florian Eckert [2020-12-17 09:40:08]:
With this change, the init script is now extend with the command to
this information easier.
I still lack the information about your use case, how do you use this
of this command
Remove trailing whitespace.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/config/firewall/files/firewall.init | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/network/config/firewall/files/firewall.init
In order that the prcod restart service can also be triggered during a
firewall restart, this call function must be changed.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/config/firewall/files/firewall.init | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/network
To allow other services to respsond to a restart event from a procd initialised
service, a new ubus method "restart" in the ubus "service" path is needed
to trigger a ubus notify and also execute the installed service triggers.
Cc: Aaron Goodman
Signed-off-by: Florian
Thies commit add the new wrapper function to rc.common to execute the new ubus
service method "restart" on a service restart.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/base-files/files/etc/rc.common | 13 +
1 file changed, 13 insertions(+)
diff --git a/package/base-files
add_restart_service_trigger 'firewall'
If the firewall is restarted, the specified will be executed.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/system/procd/files/procd.sh | 33 +
1 file changed, 33 insertions(+)
diff --git a/package/system/procd/files/procd.sh
- As requested by John Chrispin, I wrapped the new
`_procd_add_service_trigger` with the function
`_procd_add_restart_service_trigger` to make it a one-liner to use this
Florian Eckert (5):
procd: add restart ubus call
base-files: add restart f
I would like to add a dependency to mwan3 on a specific kernel version.
In the master branch it does not matter, but I have a use case for this,
especial for the stable release openwrt-19.07.
I just realized (thanks to @brianjmurrell [1]) that in a stable release,
this is quite important.
Reviewed-by: Rosen Penev
Reviewed-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/utils/iperf3/Makefile | 83
1 file changed, 83 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 package/network/utils/iperf3/Makefile
diff --git a/package/network/utils/iperf3/Makefile
Is it really necessary that we keep expanding the default package here
The problem is, for example, that I don't need the whole AWS stuff.
But now the whole package gets installed.
If this is the case, then we should also install the vmware needed
driver as default package.
Hello Alberto,
Thank you for the explanation.
If that is so then we should also remove the vmware driver as a kmod
package [1].
That makes no sense if this is then already in the kernel enabled [2].
Kind Regards
new JSON output for state:
"line_state": {
"mumber": 2049,
"string": "Showtime with TC-Layer sync"
* current JSON output for power_state:
"power_state": "L0 - Synchronized"
new JSON outpug for power_state:
new JSON output for state:
"line_state": {
"number": 2049,
"string": "Showtime with TC-Layer sync"
* current JSON output for power_state:
"power_state": "L0 - Synchronized"
new JSON outpug for power_state:
Hello Andre
We already talked about it, but once again for the list:
Here are my thoughts on why I would like to have this for the
I skipped both of these numeric state values when porting this to
ubus/C, because those are internal and lantiq implementation specific.
I'd like
Hello Hans,
I have had the problem for a long time that I see the following message
in the syslog.
Tue Apr 2 10:50:23 2019 daemon.notice netifd: wwan (11146): Command
failed: Permission denied
This message in the syslog is written when the interface makes a
teardown after a misconfigurati
"string": "Showtime with TC-Layer sync"
* current JSON output for power_state:
"power_state": "L0 - Synchronized"
* new JSON outpug for power_state:
"power_state": {
"NA": false,
"L0": true,
t;: false,
* additinal JSON output for power_level:
"power_level": ,
Possible values are if the information is available:
0: L0
1: L1
2: L2
3: L3
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
.../ltq-vdsl-app/src/src/dsl_cpe_ubus.c | 34 +--
1 file changed, 32 insertions(
* additinal JSON output for power_level:
"power_state_num": ,
Since there are not so many here, all are mapped.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
+/* These values are exported via ubus and backwards compability
+ * needs to be kept!
+ */
+enum {
* additinal JSON output for power_level:
"power_state_num": ,
Since there are not so many here, all are mapped.
Signed-off-by: Florian E
I have a question and i dont find anything in the dokumentation of openwrt
In older version of openwrt "ucitrack" was used to watch config changes
and to restart services if something changed.
In newer version of openwrt "procd" is now used to make the same thing.
I need something diffrent
I have the new source packages for lantiq dsl stuffs. This are the new
packages rom UGW-6.1.
I don´t know the differences in the new packages!
Martin Blumenstingl [xdarklight] on github -> UGW-6.1
lib_ifxos-1.5.14.tar.gz -> lib_ifxos-1.5.19.tar.gz
On 03.07.2015 13:32, Bastian Bittorf wrote:
> * Bruno Randolf [03.07.2015 13:15]:
>> I am writing here to ask wether someone has done this already, or if
>> there are any other concerns or opinions. Please let me know!
> I think nearly every wireless community has something like this.
> A good
I know that in a makfile of a package it is possible to deposite a license
string for this package
Is there a script in the build environments or in a Router image where i
can get a list of all installed package with there licenses?
; W dniu 2015-08-06 o 07:41, feckert pisze:
>> Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
>> Signed-off-by: Helge Mader
>> Tested-by: Martin Blumenstingl
>> Tested-by: Andre Heider
>> ---
>> v2 fix annex and line mode comma
>> v2 fix latency to m
t for "dsl_control
status", If i use 3 tabs the out put will get too fare left on screen i
think. I could change it If you want.
> Patch is send correctly but why replace "tabs" ?
> My thunderbird is white space broken so You need to look in Your source
patch for re
Add generation of /etc/fw_env.config for P2812HNUF1
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/boot/uboot-envtools/files/lantiq | 3 +++
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
diff --git a/package/boot/uboot-envtools/files/lantiq
index 69b375d..b152061
From: Florian Eckert
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
include/download.mk | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/include/download.mk b/include/download.mk
index ca5eee4..562a7b9 100644
--- a/include/download.mk
+++ b/include/download.mk
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ define
Change wrong download.pl argument call order.
See download.pl argument list.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
-v2 add patch description
include/download.mk | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/include/download.mk b/include/download.mk
index ca5eee4..562a7b9
From: Florian Eckert
If db is negative minus sign was shown after comma
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
target/linux/lantiq/base-files/lib/functions/lantiq_dsl.sh | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/target/linux/lantiq/base-files/lib/functions/lantiq_dsl.sh
From: Florian Eckert
swapped wrong latency output
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
target/linux/lantiq/base-files/lib/functions/lantiq_dsl.sh | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/target/linux/lantiq/base-files/lib/functions/lantiq_dsl.sh
From: Florian Eckert
If db is negative minus sign was shown after comma
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
target/linux/lantiq/base-files/lib/functions/lantiq_dsl.sh | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/target/linux/lantiq/base-files/lib/functions/lantiq_dsl.sh
From: Florian Eckert
blank inserted before ACTATP
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
target/linux/lantiq/base-files/lib/functions/lantiq_dsl.sh | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/target/linux/lantiq/base-files/lib/functions/lantiq_dsl.sh
nice to hear the there are intentions to make a openwrt/lede solution. We
are now using a freecwmp fork ( EasyCwmp ) to configure our devices.
Freecwmo was mit maintained anymore. We extend the parameter set with the
openwrt parameter which are not in the standard.
Will the Meeting online
show the license for this package in opkg
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/utils/usbutils/Makefile | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/utils/usbutils/Makefile b/package/utils/usbutils/Makefile
index b1c058b..84359a3 100644
--- a/package/utils
show the license for this package in opkg
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/config/qos-scripts/Makefile | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/network/config/qos-scripts/Makefile
index a098598
show the license for this package in opkg
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/utils/px5g/Makefile | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/utils/px5g/Makefile b/package/utils/px5g/Makefile
index 8677a8b..071f479 100644
--- a/package/utils/px5g/Makefile
show the license for this package in opkg
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/libs/libiconv-full/Makefile | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/package/libs/libiconv-full/Makefile
index 75bca83..9be0c78 100644
--- a/package/libs
You have call the shell script in der /sbin/reload_config
Am 23.09.2015 4:56 vorm. schrieb "Lars Boegild Thomsen" <
> Hi Everybody,
> I am struggling a bit with triggering automatic service reload based on
> configuration change.
> Latest trunk and all that jaz
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
Reported-by: Sylwester Petela
If you are in the luci overview page and the dsl is not in showtime state
and the variables are not initialized we get messages in log and luci brakes
> Thu Sep 17 15:40:16 2015 daemon.err uhttpd[1110]: expr: syntax error
> T
> ... to ensure that there's always a value after the equal sign ?
> Regards,
> Jow
> On 08/06/2015 07:41 AM, feckert wrote:
> > Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
> > Signed-off-by: Helge Mader
> > Tested-by: Martin Blumensting
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
Signed-off-by: Helge Mader
Reported-by: Jo-Philipp Wich
Basically the problem is that the current "lucistatus" code emits
invalid Lua code by providing no value for some parameters if dsl
is not in showtime mode.
This patch adds the posibility to config the led behaviour of the lantiq phys
over the devicetree bindings. It patches the
for 3.18 and 4.1. I have also added a register description overview for
applicable values.
in the linux kernel.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
v2 add Signed-off-by marker
...023-NET-PHY-adds-driver-for-lantiq-PHY11G.patch | 268 -
...023-NET-PHY-adds-driver-for-lantiq-PHY11G.patch | 268 -
2 files changed, 534 insertions(+), 2 deletions
if you mean "CONFIG_OF_MDIO"? I have added this define because if we have
no "openfirmware" a dummy function will be called. Or do you mean the whole
Am 21.11.2015 6:55 nachm. schrieb "John Crispin" :
> Hi
> 1 comment inli
Sounds good,
Lantiq will move as discussed on the openwrt summit.
Does this mean that in the future other firmwares (older/newer) are
provided by lantiq?
2015-11-25 23:39 GMT+01:00 Hauke Mehrtens :
> On 11/25/2015 11:29 AM, John Crispin wrote:
>> On 25/11/2015 10:53, Andre Heider wrote
I am using openwrt CC and an ubifs filesystem on top of ubi.
If I plug off the power during startup, some times my configuration
get lost and i am back to factory reset.
In the package fstools there is the bin "mount_root" it is called
twice during startup.
1. S10boot at line 10
2. S95done at
thank your very much for your fast reply and the fix :-).
I will try it and give you an respond.
2015-11-26 14:05 GMT+01:00 Felix Fietkau :
> On 2015-11-26 09:24, Florian Eckert wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using openwrt CC and an ubifs filesystem on top of ubi.
t the configuration anymore.
2015-11-26 14:25 GMT+01:00 Florian Eckert :
> Hi,
> thank your very much for your fast reply and the fix :-).
> I will try it and give you an respond.
> flo
> 2015-11-26 14:05 GMT+01:00 Felix Fietkau :
>> On 2015-11-26 09:24, Florian
ow if you are the right persons?
I think it has do to with the ubifs layer and not with your fstool.
2015-11-27 13:17 GMT+01:00 Florian Eckert :
> Hi,
> I have tested your patch since last day when I got the patch from you.
> I am using an programmable dc/dc power supply, who s
Hallo mailinglist,
I have seen in the linux sources of the lantiq falcon soc, that there
is some working done for nmi handling.
I have an lantiq xrx200 board and want to use nmi handling to react on
an power failure which is signaled over the nmi gpio.
I have seen filesystem errors if it is not c
The hardware support is required by some 3rd party engines (tpm)
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/libs/openssl/Config.in | 5 +
package/libs/openssl/Makefile | 9 +++--
2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/package/libs/openssl/Config.in b/package
Hello Mirko,
I am not a member of OpenWrt but this are my hints.
To start this process, we have collected a small number of core
features that we would propose to add to the OpenWrt build system. Our
goal with these patches is to remove the need for companies to develop
external scripts used t
the option is set and https is enabled then force
the client with the Strict-Transport-Securtiy header for the specified
time only communicate over https for this content.
This is a follow up request from:
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
Make new uhttpd hsts option configurable over uci.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/services/uhttpd/files/uhttpd.init | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/package/network/services/uhttpd/files/uhttpd.init
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/base-files/files/lib/functions/network.sh | 5 +
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
diff --git a/package/base-files/files/lib/functions/network.sh
index d7fd2dea57..4fdcb66302 100644
--- a/package
Enable mtd led trigger for lantiq devices by default to show MTD
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
target/linux/lantiq/config-4.14 | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/target/linux/lantiq/config-4.14 b/target/linux/lantiq/config-4.14
index 055a428792..938aafc1f5 100644
- Sync kernel config 4.14 with the command
make kernel_menuconfig CONFIG_TARGET=target
- Enable MTD LEDs trigger for lantiq target.
Florian Eckert (2):
lantiq: sync kernel CONFIG_TARGET
lantiq: enable LEDS_TRIGGER_MTD support
target/linux/lantiq/config-4.14 | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3
Sync target config changes with the following command
make kernel_menuconfig=target
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
target/linux/lantiq/config-4.14 | 5 ++---
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/target/linux/lantiq/config-4.14 b/target/linux/lantiq/config-4.14
Hello Matihas
It works slightly different.
I have not seen any howto about this topic.
I thought it is OK to call only make kernel_menuconfig
and every thing is in sync. I guess I made a mistake.
Enable mtd led trigger for lantiq/xrx200 devices by default to show MTD
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
target/linux/lantiq/xrx200/config-4.14 | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/target/linux/lantiq/xrx200/config-4.14
Hello John
this is a very specific feature and I dont see any devices in tree
using the driver. it'll increase the image size and we have several
small flashed units in the target. cant you simplly make it AutoProbe
during preinit ? there is next to no flash activity until preinit
Hello John
this is a very specific feature and I dont see any devices in tree
using the driver.
It is also correct that no image use this trigger per default.
But it is still possible for someone to put this trigger on a user
defined LED if he wants.
it'll increase the image size and we ha
Make Last-Modified header configurable over uci.
If option is not set then send Last-Modified header.
This is the equal to the behaviour as before this option was added.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/services/uhttpd/files/uhttpd.init | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion
If the option is not set then the behaviour is as before this option was
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
...ct-if-last-modified-header-should-be-send.patch | 46 ++
1 file changed, 46 insertions(+)
create mode 100644
Make Cache-Control header no-cache configurable with uci. If the option
is not specified (default) then the Cache-Control header no-cache is not send
to the client.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/services/uhttpd/files/uhttpd.init | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
I am working with luci-ng. And i have problems with caching with the following
Browser Edge, Internet-Explorer and Firefox. Chrome is working fine.
If the javascript or html files have changed on the system for example on
sysupgrade then the new files will not get loaded from uhttpd server.
The bro
files even the file content has changed.
If I set this option then all browser will load the new file from uhttpd.
This works with the Etag header feature.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
...ble-to-send-Cache-Control-header-no_cache.patch | 43 ++
1 file changed, 43 insertions
Thanks for reply
On 2018-07-04 16:01, Karl Palsson wrote:
Florian Eckert wrote:
To fix this tell the uhttpd to send the header Cache-Control
no-cache on file download. This header tells the browser to
always check if the file has changed on the server. If the file
has not changed then the
On 2018-07-05 12:53, Karl Palsson wrote:
> I just made all my code request js files with ?ver= version
> suffixes, so that only the right versions were cached.
Yes i have seen this in luci but not in luci-ng.
well, fix that? :)
I think the problem with caching could be split up in two to
placed with "%2b".
Change the "+" in version string to "-" will solve this issue.
Kmod version string:
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
include/kernel.mk | 2 +-
Use SPDX tag.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/kernel/linux/Makefile | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/kernel/linux/Makefile b/package/kernel/linux/Makefile
index c2d10ec188..39b9e82c27 100644
--- a/package/kernel/linux/Makefile
+++ b/package
I'm not sure if my opinion is helpful, but that's how I see it.
Or: Start discussing the release blockers here and now. Thanks.
1) Blocker: LuCI master needs to be backported to 19.07
Time estimate: 2-3 weeks
I think it's good that LuCI has now outsourced more work to the client.
Thanks t
Is anyone at ELCE [1] in Lyon from the Community next week?
openwrt-devel mailing list
: Florian Eckert
package/system/rpcd/Makefile| 2 +-
package/system/rpcd/files/rpcd.init | 1 +
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/system/rpcd/Makefile b/package/system/rpcd/Makefile
index 6f23bbe96e..fcbcc613a6 100644
--- a/package/system/rpcd/Makefile
With this change it is now possible to switch off single instances of
the uhttpd config. Until now it was only possible to switch all
instances of uhttpd on or off.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/services/uhttpd/Makefile | 2 +-
: Florian Eckert
package/system/rpcd/Makefile| 2 +-
package/system/rpcd/files/rpcd.init | 1 +
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/package/system/rpcd/Makefile b/package/system/rpcd/Makefile
index 6f23bbe96e..fcbcc613a6 100644
--- a/package/system/rpcd/Makefile
can see if the peer section has changed to the
corresponding interface. The wireguard configuration is rewritten and
reconfigured by the netif proto handler.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile | 2 +
does only show the interface name.
With this change we skip the peer for this interface and emit a log
message. So the other peers get configured.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.sh | 5 +
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
diff --git a/
do not have a related wireguard interface.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
This was discussed on the irc with Kevin Darbyshire-Bryant alias ldir
on the irc that this is a bug and should be get fixed.
package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile | 2 ++
does only show the interface name.
With this change we skip the peer for this interface and emit a log
message. So the other peers get configured.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
* Update error message to be a sentence
package/network/services/wireguard/files/wireguard.sh | 5 +
corresponding wireguard interface section still exists. If this is not
the case, all wireguard peer sections for that interface are deleted.
Signed-off-by: Florian Eckert
* update commit description
package/network/services/wireguard/Makefile | 2 ++
Thanks for feedback
I think this behavior is not really acceptable. Programs, init scripts,
hotplug events etc. should not automatically modify (and commit) uci
configurations, especially not such vital ones like the network config.
The new wireguard init script is only executed if the network
If there are some other bugs in the 21.02 branch which are fixed in
master, we can backport the fixed as long as they are not so big. If
there is something missing, just ask on the mainling list.
Since last weekend the following patch was merged into master.
The patch extends ltq-vdsl u
On 2021-04-19 19:46, thomas.rich...@kontron.com wrote:
From: Thomas Richard
Instrumenting qmi.sh script with following patch, some errors are
--- a/package/network/utils/uqmi/files/lib/netifd/proto/qmi.sh
+++ b/package/network/utils/uqmi/files/lib/netifd/proto/qmi.sh
@@ -29,6 +29,
1 - 100 of 233 matches
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