Hi all,
first of all, I'm sorry for my poor english and if I placed my question
in a wrong place.
I'm facing an issue with,I think, iptables. This is the scenario: I'm
using a ddns service to point my external ip to access my server; and it
works fine, but the original address is always the in
I'll try to explain better my concern.
I would like to show the "source" ip when I read the log of my web
browser; this is the scenario:
user A (IP) ---//- (extern iface)MODEM/ROUTER(internal iface)
-- (WWW iface) WWW
the IP is
the extern iface is
Hi Lars,
following your directions I played with the buttons, options but I
haven't found the solution.
I left the checkbutton MASQUERADE only for the internal lan, but always
I haven't the "right" behaviour.
On 15/05/2015 00:45, openwrt-devel-requ...@lists.openwrt.org wrote:
Here is the la
Hi Lars,
here's my conf:
config redirect
option target 'DNAT'
option src 'wan'
option dest 'lan'
option proto 'tcp'
option src_dport '22'
option dest_port '22'
option name 'ssh'
option dest_ip ''
option reflection_src 'exter
Hi all,
I got the latest version from trunck and I compiled a subset of sw.
I coming from 14.07 ver and I would upgrade to the latest version: once
complied and installed I found an issue in the USB section: the modem
cannot detect an old pstn modem connected to the usb port.
Here I report the l